30 October 2008

SOME people are paid to sit around in the office handling god-knows-what -but- claimed-to-be-supremely-busy. They will tell you to start working on a specific job CLAIMING everything is there, ready for you - from the brief to the working files from client, and MOST importantly, will tell you with their utmost confident that the client has finalized EVERYTHING - NO MORE CHANGES. You should not doubt them cuz' Sometimes, they even *pak pak* their chest and tell you "I am sure".

Situation: Friday is the review. Today is Wednesday - and we have NOTHING. Nil. Not even the look and feel. And now only I was told, they can't find a good candidate for the job...

Some People: Yes. I read through all this. Yep, these (pointing to the printed slides) are the content that we'll be putting up on the Interactive CDROM.

Moth: So.. basically the content follows back whatever is on this (pointing at the flowchart)?

Some People: *confidently* Yahh Yeahh.. The structure everything is the same.

Moth: Uh huh..

Boss: Show me the content for this (pointing at the flowchart - Level 3, subpage no. 2)

Moth: Wait ar.. Let me help find it (flip through the printed slides)

(Flip, flip, flip .. . flip, flip, flip)

(.. and MORE flip, flip, flip)

Moth: Where ar? Couldn't find it anywhere.. Doesn't look like its following the flowchart structure.

Some People: (flip, flip, flip)

Boss: Ey, I don't think this content matches the structure.

Some People: (continues to flip) Uh....

Boss: Can you please call our client up? We need them to explain and run through this with us.

*Minutes and minutes later*

Some People: How come the structure and the content is different -ar?

NO! Don't follow this (pointing to the flowchart)!! This is like version 3. We already had like version 27 NOW! Don't follow this. It's just an initial guideline for you guys - that's why its called a BLUEPRINT!

So.. what was it that Mr. Some People said, he read through everything? Pfft..!

Dear Readers, Dear Boss, I REST MY CASE.

Some people are just plain dumb and irresponsible. And entertaining too - No wonder I can't stop bitching about him here.
Oops! Hippo did it again..
Thursday, October 30, 2008

Oops! Hippo did it again..

27 October 2008

(yenderpurenggeh~ where ris my mug?)

Moth a lil' note:
I had enough of Ducks , Clams and Gun Barrel.
Monday, October 27, 2008


26 October 2008

Come come sit down .. sit down. I tell you arr!... I TELL YOU!

My mom suggested we bring our 1st Aunt and 3rd Aunt for dimsum at a famous dimsum place along Kuchai Lama. The plan was to go in 2 different cars - mom to pick up both aunts, me and bro to go straight to the dimsum place to get a table for 8 - so that my 1st Aunt (who's in her 70s n0w) doesn't need to wait / walk alot.

So me and bro got there first. As bro needs to look for a carpark, I went ahead to book a table for 8. Bloody hell.. the restaurant damn packed lor. Waited.. and waited and waited and finally saw someone paying their bills. I stood there near the table immediately (signal of booking larr kan?). The whole process, I WAS THE ONLY ONE standing there waiting for the table lor. When the group of people was about to leave the table, an OLDFART suddenly slide himself in comfortably and conveniently sat down *talking on his mobile* before I even managed to say, "F*CK YOU"

OLDFART (bald, fat, in sunglasses): *staring at me* I've got 7 people!

Moth: I HAVE GOT 8 ! *continue sitting down and giving him THE LOOK*

OLDFART: So? I sat down first. The table's mine!


OLDFART: *ignore mode on*

(Bro who finally parked his car.. walks over)

Moth: Kor, you go see got another table or not first. THIS UNCLE JUST SITS DOWN AND CLAIM ITS HIS TABLE LOR!! (purposely said it out super loud so that everyone looks at this direction)

Bro: Ey Uncle, Fair abit lar. We waited here first. How come you be like this?

Waiter No. 1: What you wanna eat?

OLDFART: (about to place an order)..

Bro: Hold on first, We're not together. Not same table! (continue lecturing the oldfart)

OLDFART: *super ignore mode on*


(Mom's car approaching..)

Moth: Kor, go bring aunty here. *stares back at oldfart* UNCLE, I DONT WANT ARGUE WITH YOU. MY OLD AUNTY IS HERE SHE NEEDS TO SIT DOWN. WHERE'S YOUR PEOPLE?

Waiter No.2 : Mau minum apa?

Moth: NANTI DULU! *super angry mode ON*

(1st Aunt sat down on one of the chairs.. 3rd Aunt wondering what happened)


OLDFART: *angrily* YOU SIT LARR.. YOU MAI SIT LARR! (still sitting down there)

Moth: *ignores the OLDFART - making sure there's enough chairs for everyone*

(Finally, everyone sat down. OLDFART has no choice but to leave..)

Niamah puki dia mya mak! Early morning wanna make me angry. Sei LOU HANG (oldfart) - you turn into ashes also I recognize. KNNCCB. Eat until so old ady DON'T KNOW WHAT IS MANNERS ar?! Eat what DIMSUM on a FAMILY SUNDAY larr - how do you even gain respect from your own family member!! *)&$*@)#()^@)*$^@$&!!

Fire Oso Come!
Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fire Oso Come!

1pm on a Saturday afternoon..

CunningOldFox (the Acc. Director) calling me up on my mobile.

Moth: (picks up the phone) Hello?

CunningOldFox: Hey.. Hi. Still sleeping?

Moth: Yea.. *blur* its okay. What's up?

CunningOldFox: Heh.. sorry. Listen, uh.. Remember I told you we need to push forward the material submission for Project A next week?

Moth: Yes. You need it on Tuesday right? (as opposed to Friday)

CunningOldFox: Correct. Seeing that you'll have it (Project A) done earlier now, do you think you have time to work on Project B then?

Moth: (paused) ... I thought we're outsourcing Project B to Company M.

CunningOldFOx: Yea.. but the CE is not signed yet, and I couldn't get hold of any Flash designers. You think you start on it first just to show them (client) something for next week's review?

Moth: I don't think so. (The team is) Quite packed next week.

CunningOldFox: Cause' uhm... Lionel spoke to me yesterday. He wanted me to take over this account (from the one who got scolded yesterday - read previous post) and get this rolling *sigh* Do you know any flash designers around who'll be keen on the job?

Moth: Not that I know of. I can try asking around for you.

CunningOldFox: Mmm.. (sounds worried). Uhh... okay then. I'll call you again later today then.

Moth: Okay. Bye (Zzz.. went back to sleep)

Dear dumb CunningOldFox,

Is that MY PROBLEM that you can't get hold of someone to do the shit for you? Waking me up on a nice Saturday afternoon. WTF is wrong with you weekend workaholic? Just get a bloody list of vendors available and ask around!

We already had a conversation (WIP) over the Creative team's workload. Final decision to outsource it has already been confirmed last Wednesday MORNING and now you're coming back to me ON A SATURDAY AFTERNOON to say you can't find anyone to do it?! WORST OF ALL - you want me to do it for you? Chiiii - sin.

And I absolutely don't understand the logic of yours. First things first, you're pushing us to deliver Project A on Tuesday as opposed to Friday. THAT itself has made the designers' life difficult. Secondly, what do you mean by,

'Seeing that you'll have it (Project A) done earlier now, do you think you have time to work on Project B then?'

Excuse moi.. how do you justify the time slots? It doesn't even make sense. Tak tau matematik mya kah? Chiiii - sin.

Big company these days are paying so much for who can talk cock and does nothing. So shiok. Every now and then you see (useless) people getting promoted. Its about time I ask for more wages and a high position and try doing nothing and grow up to be like CunningOldFox someday (..and get bitched about by a junior level on his/her blog kekekeke)

So salah mya thinking. Tsk tsk autumn moth - What's gonna happen to you.. ?
You only paid me 'this' much.
Sunday, October 26, 2008

You only paid me 'this' much.

25 October 2008

I don't even know how to start this. But I'm glad it ended.

Its not easy to be in the design field, even harder when you're in the advertising line. When you screwed up a big account, you're literally screwed. No one is there to see your success; but many will witness your failure.

I walked into the lion's den with 2 other senior level managers. Questions after questions- its not hard to tell the lion's been waiting for the chance to strike at its prey(not me).

"Why is this happening" , "Why is this not met" , "Why" , "Why", "Why", "Why", asked Mr. Lionel.

*(very) harsh statement follows*
*toooot* *toooooooot*

No one dare uttered a single word. I did not, for I felt its only fair for Lionel to ask. He ought to know the actual story. . . (which he should have, WAY earlier). Why wasn't the issue brought up earlier then? - Because no one really cares until there's a problem, that's why!

I felt pity for both parties actually - the one who're scolding and the one who're being scolded. In fact, I felt terribly miserable sitting in for a discussion over the fault of mis-management and mis-communication ..AGAIN!

Will they ever learn?
Grey at Grey
Saturday, October 25, 2008

Grey at Grey

23 October 2008

A little update before November starts.


Work late..





Work late..


Work late..



Work late..

Pretty much explains why I haven't been blogging for the past 1.5 months. Nasty eh? So embarassing -lor visiting the same doctor over and over again LOL. 1 thing for sure - experiment telah menge-proof-kan when I'm having sorethroat, I need to be very careful not to be a 2nd hand smoker otherwise sure collapse the very next day.

So why do I have the time to blog now? Cause' I'm on MC (again). Stuffy nose (damn sexy voice I have now), sorethroat and bad cough. Sai lei leh? Despite all that, I still have time to attend a job interview this morning - it went well :) - No, its not like I am THAT desperate, but I guess when the timing and opportunity comes along, just grab it -lor.. kan kan ?

Hm.. recently watched 2 movies. Damn sad lor.
1) Mr. Cinema - The wife/mother (Teresa Mo) damn chammm lor.
2) Money Not Enough II - The mother (Lai Ming) damn chammm lor.

Like BuBu said "Why so chammm geh??! (you) Already so chammm (work wise) still wanna watch such chammm movies!" Well.. the good side of looking at it is- I finally got some time to spare, accompanying my mom watch TV lorr. Kan bagus?

:D I look forward to the BBQ session with my colleagues this coming Sunday. KASI MINUM SAMPAI MATI!
A little update
Thursday, October 23, 2008

A little update