Freshen Up!
Been awhile since I last blog. Yepz. Not much took place anyway except I finally leaped on a bigger step towards my personal fitness goal (part of my year resolution) *drum rolls* - I signed up for yoga class and I'm finally familiarizing myself with the element of 'water' (went swimming). Yay! That sounds so healthy, its hard to believe... Moth exercising? C'mon! IT'S REAL hey!So why swim? - A pre-Redang trip survival lesson (yeah rite *grins*). Basically, cuz I really wanna learn to swim-la! But most importantly, just to pick up an alternative to jogging. And guess what? I'm lovin' it - I got hooked to a swimming pool already. =PppPpPpP
And why yoga? - Unexplained. I just like the fact that it plays along with body, mind and soul. It helps to tone up your body, it teaches you the way to breath (inhale, exhale ... *okay, some credits for lemon for 'educating' me last night during yumcha session)), and it definitely trains your physical stamina and endurance. Thought YOGA Class doesn't make you sweat like hell huh? Thought YOGA Class is only for girls huh? Tsk.. how shallow.. Anyway, yeps.. I'm beginning to like it. I signed up right after one(1) trial class - that's how passionate I am.
Why not 'California-Fitness-First'? - You need to pay for a personal trainer! That sucks.. and I don't fancy blindly exercising without proper guidance - god knows when I'll hurt some part of my body *touch wood*. Probably the only reason that'll make me join in a fitness centre is when I want to get 'fit' and build up some canggih-fied torso, abs and you-get-the-drift. But yeah.. seriously, no offence to those of you who joined Fitness Centres-la, I just don't like it. That's all.
Speaking of which, I'll have to go YoYo (that means Yoga class - copyright © kawaii-chan 2006) now. Six(6) months down the road, you'll see a completely new refreshing Autumn Moth with a pair of bigger nostrils (because of all the inhale, exhale action) *snore snore*. DO anticipate!
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