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Something is very wrong with design colleges/university these days. No wonder most of them are jobless. Most of the fresh graduates
(in no particular order) :
- do not have the basic/fundamental design knowledge
- score high CGPA but with lousy portfolio - and i mean.. LOUSY!
- freak out when interviewer ask about expected salary
- do not have any idea on the going-rate as a fresh grad
- did not bring their portfolio with them for an interview (!!)
- majored in web, doing internship in anything BUT web/interactive firm, and wanting to be a web designer
- were taught the basic usage of softwares but was never told WHEN to use it
- have no idea what grid is ... *knnccb*
- is very 'lan si' .. they thought they know it ALL and learnt everything
- so NOT deserve a job. Serves them right :P <-- this one got nothing to do with college/uni, simply my personal anger. C'mon, most of them are so not prepared during interview session! PRO ppl.. P-R-O!
- can't even organise their files and folders
- can't take simple instruction eg. happily filling up the application form in their own sweet time when they were told to wrap it all up in 15 minutes <-- contributed by JayKid
- are super irresponsible to have accepted an offer then turn it down, then telling you they really like your company but.....
- know what CSS is.. but stopped learning it for quite awhile......... .. . . ..WTF?!?
- wanted a web designer job now so that they can do online marketing in 2-3 years time
- applied for a web designer post but wanting to meet the clients more often and be the front liners.... . . . . haven't they heard of the 'sales team' or 'servicing team' . SUITS ppl.. SUITS!
- is not being honest about their ability. Cannot say cannot laaar, Dunno say dunoo laar!
- think online advertising = online banners -period-
- is telling you how much they like Web 2.0 and then start telling you how they like Flash alot and its 'the' way the web should be ... WTF?!
- ... and etc.
All I ask for is just a 'decent' designer with minimal working experience (yes, internship counts) who knows good design and basic usage of design softwares with the right attitude towards work. Apparently, it's harder than I thought. I seriously hope I can find a replacement ASAP.
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