Ngum Ngum Ngum
Mom - you like em' you hate em' too. Her constant annoying 'yee yee ngor ngor, namo namo' (super nagging mode) is a real pain to my hobbit-elf-pixie-mickey-gnome-looking ears (or so described by lemon, sugarush, tom, dick, harry) ! I don't know why she likes to 'ngum' (nag). Small things 'ngum', big things 'ngum ngum ngum' . Is it a natural human characteristic behaviour that goes with the age? It seems to me that the elder you get, the more 'ngum-mer' you can be. Agree?The jokes on me when I was chatting with 2 colleagues of mine over MSN (like half an hour ago) as we pointed out how 1 of them can be so 'ngum-ish' despite being ONLY 21 years old *ahem* . Before you know it, my mom enters my room and started to nag like *herl* (suddenly my colleague doesn't seem that 'ngum-ish' anymore) :
"Hai~The floor is so dirty also you didn't bother to mop. OMG, look at this, how can you NOT clean this up? This thing ar ..blah blah blah.... *ngum ngum ngum* That thing ar ... yada yada yada... *ngum ngum ngum* House no more maid already you know? *ngum ngum ngum* Please-lar you all cooperate abit can or not - help me out abit lar ... blah blah blah ... I tell you ar today your aunt called. This cousin of yours ar .. yada yada *started to gossip* blah blah blah yakkity yak yak .... Aiyor, the toilet ar... blah blah blah... *ngum ngum ngum* make it a responsibility can or not ... yada yada yada .... *ngum ngum ngum* Your dad-ar, tell him ... blah blah blah blah blah ... *started to nag even louder now* All of you don't know how to take care of the house-wan! *ngum ngum ngum* Your aunty ar.... chip chip chip chap chap chap *more gossips*... wachaaa haiyakkk hoaachaa!...... Sigh!~"
-Good grief-
Mom, take a break if you may, PLEASE. Its not as though I'm not trying to help, but I don't have the time to do it just yet. Moreover puh-lease-lar, my room is not really THAT bad-lar; sure there's dust here and there, the dumb floor parquettes kept lifting up and I haven't got time to *glue* it back but aside from that, everythings okay-mar. Okay-guar.
AND *sheesh* hoo-boy gimme-a-break, just as I looked at her right now (who's sitting comfortably on the sofa watching TV), she started to 'ngum' again :
'(Looking fierce) So many clothes to wash! Later help me to hang the clothes-ar! *ngum ngum ngum* ... blah blah blah (still looking fierce)' *sheesh*
If my colleague is Miss 'Ngum-mer' 2006, my mom definitely wins the Mrs. 'Ngum-mer' 2006 pageant (if there's any, so to speak of). ArrgHHhh.. UrggHhhh *Moth's turn to nag* Hmph!!
you know.. i miss my dad asking me ngumming about the time i get home and go out etc. and my aunt calling at 2am (remember this???) asking me when i'm coming home and who i'm with.. where i am.. and tellng not to come home so late ... this worry.. that worry... *sigh*
S- yaa.. how cud i forget? u mamak potong-steamer kaki!