29 October 2006

In This Game, You Wait
Sunday, October 29, 2006

In This Game, You Wait

Was reading 'Ask Expert' on Axcest.
Someone wrote in and asked about... bla bla bla.. yada yada
Here's part of the letter :p :

"I met this really cool guy a week ago. We really hit it off. It was like we had known each other forever, we had so much in common. But, he hasn't called me once all week."

Here's part of the reply from the Axcest Expert :
"It is possible that he lost your number and is just dying to hear from you. "

- Not very convincing. Not very likely either. But yaa.. there's still a possibility (Attn : Skeptical mode 'ON'). ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Is it just me or am I being a b*tch for NOT buying that? Do you? Do you? Do you? I mean... hmph!

... Maybe I'm jealous if that's true. (Skeptical mode 'OFF') *sobs* I hope that's the reason why my phone hasn't been ringing these days too (yah.. IF only)

"I know this may not be what you want to hear, but, he may have been caught up in the moment, and when the moment ends life goes on."

- THIS, is much closer to reality. Yeah, now we're talking :p

It does not hurt if you know its worth the wait but really, no one should wait for anyone. Not mean, but just to be fair. And to help yourself stay away from misery.

BTW, I still have heaps of numbers of the people I met, and they never called back a f*ckin' single time after the meet-up *rant *rant *rant... BUT actually, so do I :p hahaha. Guess its a trend for not following up on 'lust' cases.


That picture on top, of course of course. Ya! (almost forgot), that's the poster for 'Sam & Jet 2 : The Revenge' - a theatre play by Man On Stage production. Its playing this early November. I wonder if its good. 'Feel' like watching.

But then again, usually when I 'Feel', its as close as 'Not gonna happen' ... or any other equivalent negative response for that matter :p . So, nope... I'm not watching it.

Let me know if you are. (Probably am gonna ask you to pirated-ly tape it down for me or something muahaha)

0 bright lights:

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