20 December 2006

2006 or 2007 ?
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

2006 or 2007 ?

Yepz, I'm back on track. There's alot to blog about these days, I dunno where to start. Let's just stay, hmm... overall, its more of a 'better' than a 'bad'.

Guess I'll start off with this --

Dear Qi-chan, yes you are right, its definitely not gonna be easy for me without your presence around. But we're all well aware (since Day 1 ... or at least after we got to know each other better) that such separation would take place someday sometime - its just a matter of 'when'. We just have to adapt and learn and to move on. And like I've mentioned to you a few hours back, I'm already adapting to it.. so I guess I can handle my days without your vibrant soul around (fingers crossed). YOUR UPCOMING DAYS in your new place won't be any better WITHOUT me around either .. that time we'll know who's more important to who .. :p (chehwahhh, perasan mode ON ON ON!!)

I'll miss your voice (pestering, hiao, cute, etc), your every bits of action, the way you 'K-ny~' me, you way you say 'Hou sui gerr~' BUT rest assured I won't miss you until like , ".. OMG!! OMG!! I'm f*cKin BORING... I'm suffocating already... I am GONNA DIE .. I aM GONnA dIE.." those kind (anymore). All the best Qi-chan. p(^^)q


I finally saw the ad that Mom went for the audition. Its the 'Pei Pa Gou' TV ad. Chehh.. the role she's fighting for only appears for less than 3 seconds. A good thing she didn't get it :p CAN'T EVEN SEE THE FACE properly... then swoooshhhh to another scene (but hearsay the pay is good).


Close friends of mine will know I 'like' to shop. But apparently, its not 'shopping' (as in buying things) that I like, its the whole process of trying on different clothes that I really enjoyed. I don't care if I can afford to get it or not... that's not important (not like I'm really that RICH anyway), I just wanna acknowledge the fact that 'OooOo.. this piece of thing looks good... on Me!! Wakakaka!! XD' . AND NO, I AM ALWAYS NOT READY to get formal working clothes. NEVER!! NEVER!! NEVER!!


Today someone said I was being cold to him. That's not the case. We're just not close. We can hardly initiate spontaneous conversations (at all). And I care about the statement he made because I don't want to be perceived in such way. *Sigh.. You don't understand... and I don't really see my point of explaining why am I so , so , so.. to you. Its hard for me also weii... Point is, I'm not cold to you. Case close. Cheerios!


Hwannie made me confused, am I living in 2006 or 2007 now? We were chatting and discussing about annual leaves and she kept pointing this year as 2007. For a second there, I really thought its ALREADY 2007 this year and all these while, I got my year WRONG. I started asking myself but heck... I don't remember me writing down any '2007' on any piece of paper. Guess who got mixed up apparently? Eesssshh.. Hwannie...eeessshh *shakes head*


Its funny how a few good straight guy friends of mine started talking about fashion and skin care with me these days. Not like I have any problem with that, but HOW COME-ar? Is my fellow friends starting to get really uber/metrosexual ? or they got so rich these days, they can afford to buy HELL LOTS of THINGS? or... it has always been their interest, only that I've never actually noticed it? Anyway, you guys are fabulous. You sure know your stuffs. Hehehe. SHOPPING le weii!!


First it was E, then it was A - I feel glad.
First it was E, then it was A - I feel awkward.
I must say, I'm flattered. Thanks... but..


December will be over soon. Will need to review my overall performance in 2006 and setting new year resolutions soon. Time flies.. Yet another lonely year (sob)

We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
We wish you a Merry Christmas,
And a Happy New Year!!


  1. eh you hiao don't say people hiao la.. surely i'm more important to you :P you see la you.. typing sitailo also follow me ON ON ON :P

    *chiu kup mou dik tight hugz*

  2. i didnt say you hiao ark. i said your voice hiao onni mer. and yes u r rite, u r important to me, that is, when u'r still sitting next to me-larr.. :p typing sitailo ler worr.. u also follow my 'cukulut' lerr.. so we're even.

    *chiu kup mou dik tightly hugged*
