22 January 2008

Great! An accident.. a day before public holiday!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Great! An accident.. a day before public holiday!

So, what happened?

Location: Sprint Highway (before exit to Sri Hartamas/Mont Kiara)
Time: 6.30pm

I WAS happily driving home from work when:

The 3rd car in front of me BRAKKKED!
The 2nd car in front JAM BRAKED!!
The car in front EMERGENCY BRAKED!!!
My car BRAKKED!!!!
The car behind me... COULDN'T BRAKE (fast enough) ~

Bravo! We were stucked on the 4th lane. Took me and BH (short for BL**DY H*LL ) awhile to get to the side of the road (Thanks to the jam and all the inconsiderate drivers. THANK YOU! *sarcasm*). I wasn't sure what to do next. For all I know, my rear bumper totally 'kemek'-ed and I was struggling to maneuver the car back and forth (the bumper was in the way).

BH got down, apologized.. exchanged name cards (yeah.. abit odd), told me what happened and said he needs to claim insurance. After >30 minutes of phone calling, exchanging infos (name, contact, i/c no. etc) and looking busy, BH told me to give him an hour or so. He'll drive back to his Sentul workshop to see how much the damage would cost - if he can afford it, we'll settle it personally .. otherwise we'll go make a police report.

BH called later around 8pm. He said he is able to cover the cost himself.. so, no insurance required, no police report necessary, he'll settle the bill (for me). Good. I'll just send my car to the workshop tomorrow, tell him the price and voila...

SIGH.. what a great evening.... and to think I can sleep till late tomorrow. SIGH!~

p/s: Saw Millfross. She and PP was on the way to Plaza Damas, they saw me and pulled over to see what's up. Didn't talk much though.. I felt bad.

0 bright lights:

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