25 January 2008

Just give it to me!!
Friday, January 25, 2008

Just give it to me!!

I've been worrying about today's medical checkup for the past few days. I've always thought it is 'THE' ultimate procedure which determines everything. But I was so wrong. Apparently, the Insurance coverage that follows, is what that matters.

The checkup went well. I told the Dr. everything about my medical history/background matchayacall-it. After the physical examination, chest X-ray, urine examination, Dr. said I'm fit for the job. Sounds good. Everything looks positive now, I probably can wrap everything up today, hooray!!!

But... wait~ I was then told, the medical report needs to be reviewed by the Insurance company (wat the fu*k). It'll probably take a day or two (double fu*ked). They need to verify if my medical condition is covered by the policy etc. (something like dat laar). And if things are cool, I can get everything done by Monday evening, at the longest.

Otherwise.. ..


Let's hope there won't be an 'otherwise'.


By the way, I got my car back :D - looking better!


  1. flex ur muscles sikit maaarrrr... sure pass faster wan :P

  2. .. lol .. do a johnny bravo? NAWH.. wrong target!
