Moving on!
Before I even start with the post.. lemme just say, KL's traffic after 6pm is CRAZY! I reached Sungai Wang at 6.30pm and it took me 1 freaking hour just to reach Menara SCB (next to Pavilion) - MY GAWD!! THAT USUAL LESS THAN 2-MINUTES BLOODY SHORT DISTANCE TOOK AN HOUR! EesHhh..Just gotten my offer letter from the new company. Everything's settled. Signed. Time to move on. I'm entering HELL again (well.. soon!), and its even deeper this time round' - but like I told my friends, if I'm not ready, I wouldn't have submitted my application in the first place.
And in regards to the 'why here, why not there' questions - well, 'Where' is not important - because its the same SHIT everywhere. I wasn't seeking for a greener pasture elsewhere. Its the experience of meeting different people that counts. Nuff' said - yah yah self-comforting whichever way you wanna look at it.
Oh well, its time to bid 'Adiós' tomorrow..
Eeks.. abit gancheong now pulak ):p
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