16 May 2008

NO Mobile Phone after 11PM?
Friday, May 16, 2008

NO Mobile Phone after 11PM?

Was on the phone with Millfross earlier on. We haven't been talking for quite some time now, and KNOWING ME, I can chat over the phone for tens of minutes just to get all the juicy updates, gossips, bitchings, back-stabbings, what-not to fulfill my desire of 'wanting to know just about everything' - in other words - as the chinese put it - " 8 ". So, oKay, we talked for about an hour. Fine, I agree its abit too long, but c'mon, this is like once in a blue moon and half the conversation, we were on something serious.

15-20 minutes later, BuBu called and update me on some work progress. As usual, we'd talk abit more and bitch on this and that and before you know it - 20 minutes later, Mom came in the room angrily and scolded me for talking on the mobilephone after 11pm saying its dangerous to the health (or somesh*t like dat larr) WHILE I WAS ON THE BLOODY PHONE! Thank gawd something came up and BuBu needs to hang up, so I put down the phone, turned to my mom and asked her WHAT'S WRONG!?!?

Angrily, she said I was on the mobile phone for the past few hours (which is NOT true - parents like to exaggerate don't they?) and she read it (somewhere) that speaking on the mobile phone after 11pm is bad, it'll do harm to your body blah blah blah yada yada blah blah blah (I'm already fucken' pissed).

Now.. MUST SHE BE 'THAT' ANGRY in the first place? Why can't she tell me in a proper manner without raising her voice? Its not as though I'm IGNORING her. And hUrLo.. I'm still on the phone talking to my friend... How embarassing is that?? Can't she at least wait till I finish the phonecall, then start lecturing me upside down, left and right? Is that so hard? Huh??

I don't know how true Mom's statement was. Whether or not its true - I'd usually digest it anyway and try not to go against her. But I don't think it would KILL me there and then and so, there isn't a need for her to shout at me - that's all I f*ckin' know and that's all I freakin' care!

I'm pissed in the middle of the night.

HmPH! >:(


  1. I got a sms today which talking about what radio wave exposure on 15th May 2008 at 11pm. I also don't know how true it is....

  2. that means I have to call before 1am my time.. no problem no problem at all... =P
