Oops! Hippo did it again..
SOME people are paid to sit around in the office handling god-knows-what -but- claimed-to-be-supremely-busy. They will tell you to start working on a specific job CLAIMING everything is there, ready for you - from the brief to the working files from client, and MOST importantly, will tell you with their utmost confident that the client has finalized EVERYTHING - NO MORE CHANGES. You should not doubt them cuz' Sometimes, they even *pak pak* their chest and tell you "I am sure".Situation: Friday is the review. Today is Wednesday - and we have NOTHING. Nil. Not even the look and feel. And now only I was told, they can't find a good candidate for the job...
Some People: Yes. I read through all this. Yep, these (pointing to the printed slides) are the content that we'll be putting up on the Interactive CDROM.
Moth: So.. basically the content follows back whatever is on this (pointing at the flowchart)?
Some People: *confidently* Yahh Yeahh.. The structure everything is the same.
Moth: Uh huh..
Boss: Show me the content for this (pointing at the flowchart - Level 3, subpage no. 2)
Moth: Wait ar.. Let me help find it (flip through the printed slides)
(Flip, flip, flip .. . flip, flip, flip)
(.. and MORE flip, flip, flip)
Moth: Where ar? Couldn't find it anywhere.. Doesn't look like its following the flowchart structure.
Some People: (flip, flip, flip)
Boss: Ey, I don't think this content matches the structure.
Some People: (continues to flip) Uh....
Boss: Can you please call our client up? We need them to explain and run through this with us.
*Minutes and minutes later*
Some People: How come the structure and the content is different -ar?
Client: NO! Don't follow this (pointing to the flowchart)!! This is like version 3. We already had like version 27 NOW! Don't follow this. It's just an initial guideline for you guys - that's why its called a BLUEPRINT!
So.. what was it that Mr. Some People said, he read through everything? Pfft..!
Dear Readers, Dear Boss, I REST MY CASE.
Some people are just plain dumb and irresponsible. And entertaining too - No wonder I can't stop bitching about him here.
a case of blur sotongzzzzz