22 August 2013

But why not an iPhone 5?
Thursday, August 22, 2013

But why not an iPhone 5?

Smartphones oh smartphones, why are you such a nuisance? So mom wanted a new mobile phone to show off. Apparently all her friends had switched to smartphones and she has telling me how awesome photos taken from their phone's camera function are - whereas her current phone can do nothing except for calling / sms-ing and Quadrapop-ing
And so, I brought her to Blue Cube and wanting to show her how amazing these smart phones can be. Since everyone in my family is a committed iPhone user, I went on persuading her to get an iPhone 5. Not an easy task. Apparently she has been longing for Samsung Galaxy S4 - claiming that all her friends are using the said model and it would be easier for her to carry it around and have her friends teach her to use it - just in case.
Well, I can't exactly force her into liking iPhone right? She has got some points right about S4 - larger screen, larger screen and much larger screen.... iPhone is SO slim, SO small.
Anyway Blue Cube ran out of stock for the S4 and all we could do is put our names on the waiting list. Still, on the way home, I can't help but think... why not an iPhone 5? I need someone to convince me that S4 is better for old folks. Like ... how??
Unbelievably hours later, no more convincing is needed. I changed my mind. I realized no matter what - getting an S4 would be a wiser decision. Simple reason - I don't want my mom coming back home everyday after her outing and start asking me why people's phone (S4) can do this do that, how come hers (iPhone 5) cannot, why her phone so lousy... etc.
I would lose more blood answering to those. Getting the same phone model as her friend would be an easier way out. So yep, Galaxy S4 it is.
*Sigh*  Smartphones....

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