02 November 2013

My brain, the size of a pea
Saturday, November 02, 2013

My brain, the size of a pea

How often do you forget names? Or remembering the names but not the face?

 I do... ALOT! And that wasn't funny at all (well, not exactly a big deal either but ...you know what I mean). Just today I was out with a bunch of ex-colleagues over lunch and we were randomly talking about the 'good ol' days' and the people we used to work around with.

We started talking about this person 'Alvin W." , a project manager that we used to work with. And it got me thinking for a blardy good 15 minutes figuring out who the hell he was - I had to go through his Facebook profile and search for his profile photo and then my super-blocked brain cells FINALLY open up and everything flushes through my mind. And then the list goes on....  the Pakistani dude (forgot his name), the Indian Bollywood guy (forgot his name), and the programmer (forgot his FACE) etc. etc..

GOSH! Only 2 years and I completely erased them out from my mind. Is that how fast we can forget someone?


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