Not worth the help
It's not a huge deal, but.. *inhale*I may not be expecting anything in return of a favor, but the least he can do is to thank me in person. Even a casual 'Hey, thanks for helping me out earlier on' could have been sufficient. But nawh, the deed is long forgotten, it seems..
To this "friend" of mine whom I have helped, well, honestly speaking.. you are a real disappointment, because we've known each other for the longest time but you only approach me when you are in your most desperate moment, needing aid from an old pal - More so when you needed me to provide professional consultation - for free. I felt taken for granted. And no, a mere 'thanks' from a social chat window does not justify anything.. Ever heard of sincerity? I bet not.
Despite the fact that you are doing pretty well these days, the lack of courtesy has made you no difference from any strangers I stumbled upon. ( Hate to say this but even beggars would say 'Thank you' )
If this is the true value of "friendship" in your eyes, then sorry, you are such a let down for you are taking your friends for granted.
I am such a let down myself too for stupidly thinking I'd be appreciated for helping you out of the sake of being friends for the longest time ever.
*Long sigh* Done ranting.
P/S: They said true friends need no thanking. Since I'm ranting now on how I don't get a 'thank you' from you.. I guess we're not true friends?
Good night world..
0 bright lights:
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