14 April 2007

Parking is Free
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Parking is Free

Hehehehe.. first things first, I gotta apologize to the 10 person whose name I listed out to Fitness First (you see, in trade for the Spider Man 3 goodies..). Its a 1 day free trial passes for you guys. If you're not interested then just slam the phone and ask them to sHaDdup! No obligation hey.. I just thought maybe, ya know, you could do with some exercise =D . I'M SORRY~

Anyway yup, it was Yoga Zone before, its Fitness First now. The aim here is to get rid of the wobbly fat tummy, work on the bicep/triceps, the chest, and moi pair of weak legs. Good to know ALL THIS can be achieved in six months time (ngam ngam can meet the Oct 3rd deadline, phew~). And with the helpful consultant I met, schedules were nicely planned out for me as to what to do, when to do, what to expect - more than enough to get me started. BUT I STILL NEED A PAIR OF TRAINERS (... tight budget *sobs* ) and I predict I'd probably make a fool of myself on my next visit figuring HOW those equipments work... *shy*

And oh, I've got 2 Complimentary 1-week passes with me. So if ya guys wanna TRY it out or check out the place. Lemme know.

Ah`, I felt so much healthier already =PpPpPppPppPPp


  1. so so? can meet oct 3rd dateline boh? wakakakakakaka!!! :PpPpPpP~~~ *haunts nini wif oct 3rd~~~~*

  2. haiyaa.. still need to ask? of coz CAN laa~~~~
