22 June 2008

Itu apaa nama...
Sunday, June 22, 2008

Itu apaa nama...

It feels awkward chatting with your friend's bf whom you've never met before.

It feels LAGI weird when it started off as a random conversation with a stranger in a chatroom, only to find out 10 minutes later that he is actually your friend's bf.

- that's precisely what happened to moi. I almost flirted finally got to know who my friend's bf is - encountered in a superbly awkward situation.

AND I ACTED AS THOUGH I'M NOT SURPRISED AT ALL! I'm one hell-of-a-good-actor!

But no-lor.... I WAS BLOODY SURPRISED - lor!

Dear you-know-who-you-are, Yess, this post is dedicated to you and your funny boi.


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