18 July 2008

At the Right Moment
Friday, July 18, 2008

At the Right Moment

I received a call from Og*lvy lately. Apparently, they are in the midst of 'cleaning up' their database and got my contact from my resume which I sent in, on 2005. Took them awhile to retrieve the mails *hoo-boy*.

They were asking me if I know anyone who's interested in a job. I laughed, and said.. " Yeah, I do know a couple... and ....ya, including myself harr harr harr"

She went, "OH? really? Hmmm.. *laugh laugh laugh*, your company and ours, we're under the same umbrella, so its not nice that I poach you in *laugh laugh laugh* (pause) ... Tell you what - I'll pass you my email and maybe you would want to send your resume in or ask your friends who are looking for a job to send theirs in as well?"

"GREAT!" I replied enthusiastically as though I would send mine in as soon as I hang up the phone.

- Of course I didn't!

I just felt its really funny - to have someone calling me up at this point of time when I AM really hoping to look for another job. Haha. Purely coincident? OR , is it a SPY from my current company wanting to know my next step? (since I have yet to sign the bloody confirmation letter till now) OR is it an opportunity? OR is someone up there trying to play a joke on me?

What a funny timing.


  1. they say.... if u wish for something hard enuf... u might just get it...

  2. hurrr. Good luck @ O'. It ain't any better I reckon.

    I'm resigned to the fact that no where is! All hopes and dreams dashedddd :D

  3. oli - but.. I did not.. wor..

    morticya33 - NeHh.. I wont be heading to O'. hahaha the last line sure doesn't sound any bits like you.
