24 June 2006

P for Pen ... is
Saturday, June 24, 2006

P for Pen ... is

Just came back from mamak with Bliss after a tiring yoga session. In one of the conversations, she asked me the meaning of 'PLU' - apparently, she found the word in some magazine and wanted to verify its meaning. I thought I'd share it with you guys too ( in case you're eager to know / interested to find out - saves me the hassle to explain it over again in the future too ).

'PLU' (or 'P', for an even shorter abbr.) stands for..
'People Like Us' - which obviously refers to.... people like us (duh~) - in another word 'gay'. Very much for identification purposes.

When do you use 'PLU' or 'P' ?
You'd use it as you would with the word 'gay'. So why would you (the homosexual) go for 'PLU' or 'P' instead of directly referring your type of people as 'gay', you asked? - Good question, I don't know either - It seems to be a Malaysian culture. As far as I'm concerned, I pretty much like to use the word 'gay' - call me proud or whatever sh*t.

Who uses 'PLU' or 'P' ?
Only the PLUs (the gay buddies) should be using it. To all my dear 'straight' friends, now that you understand its meaning, please STOP using the word 'PLU' or 'P' when referring to that cute guy-but-oh-no-he's-gay ALTHOUGH I know the word is much more easier to use ( You don't want people to mistaken you for ONE of us dontcha? )

How do you use the word 'PLU' or 'P' ?

The wrong usage:
ie. Straight A talking to Gay B : Hey, I heard C is a 'PLU' / 'P' !
ie. Straight A talking to Straight B : I think C is a 'PLU' / 'P' !

The right usage:
ie. Gay A talking to Gay B : Hey, is C a 'PLU' / 'P' ?
ie. Gay A talking to Straight B : Yes, C is a 'PLU' / 'P' !

So, there you go, our first lesson of basic introductory to PLU. Stay tuned for more upcoming lessons in the future. Remember, these are private lesson from me to you. Don't share this with anyone else-wor. Its meant to be *discreet*

p/s : I don't think I'm 100% correct .. then again I doubt its all wrong either. Hehe =P

- The irresponsible Proud BGB who leaks out too much info -

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