16 May 2009

10% is not enough - Part II
Saturday, May 16, 2009

10% is not enough - Part II

I had the confirmation letter with me the entire week - and I'm not signing it (at least till I nego with my Creative Director and talk things out :p). Naturally enough, HR inform my CD and that's when he came up to me on MSN and starts asking me if I'm still confused with the company's new structure.

Hell yeah.. of course I am! Everytime I asked about the company, he'll have thousands, if not, hundreds of things to say about the company's future planning, but none a focused direction.

CD kept reassuring me that things will be in control, that I NEED NOT worry about the structure (although he did admit its abit messy now) and resources available and that his art directors will always be 'special', thus asking me to stop PMS-ing.


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