28 January 2006

Saturday, January 28, 2006


Apparently last minute shopping wasn't really a bad idea. On the contrary, it keeps you on track to get 'something' by hook or by crook at the end of the day. Like that T-shirt, grab that T-shirt, try it on , yes or no, head to cashier ! That quick!

It's even better if you have a friend next to you who'd push you every now and then and giving you tremendous support ( or somewhat forceful-support ) to try out clothes you never dare/want to give it much chance and still feel comfortable with it. Thank you qiqi - my last minute shopping companion *grins* - for all her opinions and comments, truly appreciate it ( qiqi : yeahh... when I got home, I still find the green stripe looks better than the brown *Bah! shoots the shop manager* )

Recently I've added on alot of colours to my wardrobe. That's perfectly what I need. Currently I've got heaps of grey,dark hues, black and its rather pathetic ( I don't know why I didn't realize it before either, blergh! ). So here I am trying hard to stock in some exciting colours and refurbish my entire wardrobe - hopefully it'd help add some sparks to moi life! Woo wee~ Heck cares about the money. It'd come in next month anyway ( not to mention the upcoming 'ang pows' krkrkrkrkr ) *wink *wink - nothing wrong with pampering ourselves as long as we know our limits. Am I right ? No? whatever... Kaimono ikimashoo!

Also, I'd be giving away my old clothes away, so if you guys know where to donate/giveaway these things, please let me know ( or else that big bag of old clothes would remain 1 side of the corner in my room till god-knows-when... ). Thanks in advanced~

One last bit, Happy Chinese New Year everyone. Gong xi fa cai! Have a great holiday ahead. Enjoy!


  1. FORCEFUL support.. What a wonderful pair of words.. KIKz Appreciate leh? Hea hea hea hea.. Got fruit juice some more krkrkrkrkrkr!! Your bad luck can't get the green shirt. Go paint the shirt green la krkrkrkrkrkr!!!

  2. Thanks for the lil'chu chai! *sweet* muackssss!!
