11 February 2006

..And apparently she doesn't know
Saturday, February 11, 2006

..And apparently she doesn't know

I went to THE DISCO for a blackout nite party with yunko (and with her colleagues too). It was NOT fascinating at all. Yaa... heaps of guys, yet close to none that captures our attention. It's not just my personal opinion, yunko think its SAD too.. there's only a few super-licious hotties around the bar here and there but that's JUST it. The rest are like zombies standing around the dance floor, staring at cute guys like hungry vultures awaiting for their prey. Oh, and yes, not to forget the group of ala' ah beng style posers around... *BIG SIGH*

I'm not a person who fancy clubbings and yada yada the happening-likes. It's a once-in-a-blue-moon thing (...and yellow moon and red moon and rainbow moon too *I'm still sober*). Tonight was exceptional. Yunko needed a drink and oh well, she does have a valid reason to be drunk! Poor darling..

Anyway, before all that happened, I was chatting with kawaii-chan and was told 'disco' was an old-fashioned thing to say. The proper word ought to be 'clubbing'. First Reaction : I laughed out loud like hell.... Second Reaction : (point blank).... DUH!? . THE DISCO is the name of the place I'm going. Little does she know that there's a place by that name; and to think I'm still living in 1970s with the 70s' vocabs... *double DUH!? **you know who you are**

P/S : The post-clubbing session at mamak with yunko is ... somewhat unexpected but cool! Now you should know me better, yunko... Pure? V? who? me?.. nah.... been there done that~


  1. kawaii chan > awww~, u made an appearance here again....kekeke. getting famous by the day LOL
