Hovet with LCD Clock
Weee~ :) Finally bought myself a Mirror, a nice 40x140cm mirror - with LCD clock (alternates between date and time). Yupz, u you guessed it, its HOVET from IKEA. Those were the days when I have to rely on my parent's and my bro's mirror (in their respective room) each time before I leave the house just so to make sure I lookMirrors are important
"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the charming one of all?"
"Who? Dennis Joseph O'Neil ? XD ... OH YES, couldn't agree more *meltS*"
By the way (un-melt), I bumped into a collegemate of mine in IKANO. He was just right in front of me and I couldn't recognise him until he calls out my name. AND DAMN, I couldn't remember his. I just go, "Hey!.. How are ya?" I reckon' I'm such a jerk. JERK MOTH! Thank god it took place while we're on the escalator.. so the entire session of catching up only lasted for less than 10 seconds (sorri-la, you see, I don't really know him THAT well, and you know laa, malay name somemore.. very hard to remember who's who.. ya... thats my excuse :p)
Its really embarassing to not recall the other person's name while he/she does. Speaking of which, my memory is getting worse these days. I'm abit worried leh.. I really do - its not just about recalling names, it involves my daily activities and the things I did in the early years - all, could just went blank (and I'm serious.. I'm not talking about the usual jokes about short term memory loss etc. with your friends kinda thing).
I'm certain that the medication last time does leave an impact or rather, a side effect. What should I do? Doctors are saying no such thing. Patients are saying yes, it does! Apaaa ni.. aiyoyo... Amaaa~
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