07 September 2006

thunder, thunderCAM.. WHORE!
Thursday, September 07, 2006

thunder, thunderCAM.. WHORE!

The not-so-reliable-as-references WikiPedia wrote - "The term "cam whore" is use to refer to individuals who post pictures or videos of themselves on the Internet to gain attention."

I am definitely not a camwhore... No, I am NOT... although lately, I did post damn many a few pictures of myself over MSN and Friendster-lar. Hehehe :p But at least my intention is not to 'gain attention' its obviously to 'gain attraction'.

I mean, everyone does that. Its normal to do so. Why do you think MSN etc. gives you a picture holder for you to place your photo? Decoration ar!? Put something-lar, and what's better than putting your own photo there? At least then, I won't have to struggle finding out which lengcai/lenglui you are... (u know lar, beautiful people walk in and out of my life, I cannot guarantee I can remember ALL ge-marr..) Furthermore, certain people kept changing their nicknames/identity (like HURLO.. so how am I suppose to keep track?) - therefore, a picture of our ownselves would be the best alternative to identify who we are (I'm sure you don't want people to remember you as a rubber duckie, or a chess set RITE?)

And also, what's this about : when you have more than 1 person in the picture its NOT camwhore, but when its you alone in the picture its 'cam whoring' lar? And when there's 2 posers or more in a picture its NOT hiao, but when its you alone posing its HIAO to the max lar? WHO sets the rule, huh huh huh? I tell you, tsk tsk.. people nowadays....

I put what I like, and I like what I put. Arigatoo...
(Damn, its ONLY 2.20 pm now... *YAwn*)


............... (dum dee dum) ...........


O-K, I admit I'm a 10% camwhore, just leave me alone. FYI, nope.. nobody calls me that (except maybe for the girl who carpool with me almost every weekday XD kekeke, but aside from that, nope) - people just call me ' (sei) hiao-gung ' but nope, not 'cam whore'... not at all.

Should I feel glad? Hmm...


  1. camwhores r ppl take plaster their site wif pics of themselves all over the place.

    u r not camwhore lar, not even qualified yet LOLOLOLOL!!! if u'r 10% camwhore, then the gal dat follows ur car is 30% LMAO!!!

    *runs far far away*

  2. hohohohoho.. oii come back come back... lets talk more bout' that 30% gal LOLz! XD

  3. wah... gossip behind people's pc while people busy with work huh?

  4. yalo oli.. u really ar.. tsk tsk..

    *runs FAR away from oli*
