24 October 2006

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Some SMSes are nice. Some SMSes are sweet. Some annoys. Some are meaningful. Alot, meaningless.

I tend to save down nice SMSes onto my mobile, be it forwarded messages or not - SMSes that pleases me during that certain period of time - usually from a particular someone whom I'm fond of or likeable - not neccessarily a 'special' person, it could be from a nice friend.

But as time goes by, many things could happen. And when its bad news, these SMSes turn into sharp torns; so sharp it hurts badly. I'd want to delete them off. It aches to re-read those messages. But it also hurts to erase something that used to be so close to you; words and text that can make you smile, that could've made your day. Its a decision... not as big as deciding a marriage, not as small either as deciding what's for lunch.. but its still a decision - and a hard one (at least for me), because I know for the fact that I won't be laying my eyes on the beautiful words again.

I need to clear up my Inbox today, when I noticed.. there's SMSes from 'you'. Of course, things didn't turn out too well. I have my share of apology for not meeting up with your expectations. I don't know what to do with them. I wanted to press the 'Delete' button, but it aches to do so. The SMSes are still here in my Inbox. Ultimately, it would have to go. Its just a matter of time when I'd press the button. Awaiting the 'moment of truth'.


  1. I think mine falls into meaningless SMSes.

    i do want an ear though sometimes. =(
