10 September 2013

Of actors and fakers
Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Of actors and fakers


Just what exactly does "Straight Act" means? Of course I understand what the term meant in the fabulous world of gaytopia and what it is the muscle hunks and jocks are trying to say - of masculine, manly, heterosexual-looking.

But doesn't "Straight Act" also goes to mean you are acting what you are not? That you are acting to be straight; which in another way of saying is - you are merely faking to be real masculine, manly, heterosexual-looking. WHICH in yet another way of saying means you are just as sissy, as girly, as feminine, as flamboyant, calculative and see a hallway like a fashion runway as any other homosexual men and/or women but you are *smirk* ....hiding it.

Not that I have any issues with it. I just find it peculiar that (almost) everyone on Grindr is writing that on their profile section. OR maybe it is weird to have a six pack abs profile pic and saying you are fairy-like which restrained them from being awesome....could it?

I mean I'm sure everyone in the world now should know that not all gay people are soft and feminine - there are famous gay hunks / actors / sportsmen / politicians who is all manly enough to kill a pride of lions, so there really isn't a need to specifically mention that you are "Straight Act". Like duhhh.. the more you use the term the more it sounds like you are just a f*cking jerk that doesn't respect your own thyself.

You are who you are. I can respect you not coming out of the closet, but at least respect your very own personality. C'mon... *roll eyes*.... "Straight Act" ? No part of your body is straight yo!

Again, its not like I care much, but ... just saying. LOL

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