A bittergourd facial day
Redang leaves not just good memories.... but also leaves my face to dehydration as well. *Sigh. Went for facial today only to find out my skin's super dry up and I need to moisturise it ASAP. Had some dunno-what-the-heck bitterguard facial treatment this time with dunno-what-the-heck enzyme that does dunno-what-the-heck to my face. All I know is its suppose to help detoxify something. Hohoho .. I'm kinda dumb right? All I care was : I need to do facial and get my face cleanse. Period.So, knowing me, I bought new cleanser again this time, under recommendation of the beautician; Oops and moisturizer too. Just gonna give it a try and if this time things doesn't work out again (meaning prone to growth of pimples and blackheads again) I don't know what will.. *sob *sob. I have had enough of blemishes! Hmph! Really 'no face to see people'..
Crystal, the beautician gave tips on how to fully utilize the morning and night cleanser, toner and the moisturizer. And I just found out my skin type is 'Oily Dehydrated' and I'd need my facial cleansing product to be as simple as possible. Meaning : no soap, no fragrance, no oil, no parfum, no lotsa foam. Darn*~ Nevertheless, Crystal said she'll try to help change my face into somewhat like Tom Cruise, but no promise on anything close to Richard Gere's ... ( Nah, I don't want Richard Gere.. you can save the energy.. Tom Cruise will do *ahem ).
And guess what? Dumb moth paid the thing and forgot to take back his credit card. Bravo~ Heck I'd have to run there again to get it back tomorrow. No one's fault. I'm just as blur as Crystal who forgot to gimme back my card. *hmph... dumb dumb dumb!!
*Sigh~ Sakit Hati, man. But, demi kecantikan muka dan ekspresi ku, berbaloi juga RM200 lebih yang telah di-swipe-kan. =)
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