22 July 2006

Saturday, July 22, 2006


About two months or so ago, I did a tarot reading - just to see which woven rug Autumn moth would rest on for the upcoming 3 months. And I'm blessed with the card of 'Ace of Cups'. It reads :

Ace of Cups
Primary Principle - Celebration. The querent is celebrating a culmination of love. There is abundance in his life, especially in terms of personal, intimate relationships. This relationship is so plentiful in its uplifting expression that many others may share in its beauty and bounty. This is a time of joy and contentment; a celebration of some sort may be on the horizon.

If I am to translate this card in a direct loosely manner - Yes I am in fact, have been feeling such way over the past few weeks after I met him. Culmination of love, personal, intimate relationships, uplifting expression. How should I put it? Perhaps I tried too hard to pull all these together, I've always have a tendency to link everything together and made judgement on a personal level. Though I hope, this time, its not purely just coincidence.

I did another reading today. I seek for a guidance, a deeper understanding of what is to be done. I share with my Tarot, the misery, the helpless feeling and hope she'd show me a clearer path in which I can refer to. The card reads:

Page of Pentacles
Primary Principle - Good news. This may represent someone who is not the most practical of people - someone in need of learning the more pragmatic aspects of life. Perhaps you gve him or her this opportunity and have a good time in the process! He or she may ask you provide the financial circumstances through which such sharing may be possible.

Again, I CAN relate this to him. As the page of pentacles may stand for a young man whose relationship to me involves stability, trust, commitment, safety and material needs, why its even easier for me to relate everything of me and him more than anything else. If you ask me, I'd personally convey the card as a learning process, a time to build on the aspect of communication.

Then again, I might be wrong.

And again, its a reading. I'm not going to take it as a whole, but I won't disregard what has been told either. Perhaps you tell me what to do. Is it me ? For I connect everything with everything (too 'prasan') ? Or its irony that the cards coincide with the events ? Or maybe not at all - neither one corresponds with each another.

p/s : Plastyk : I'd love to hear from you. This is YOUR field of studies ( but I'm not expecting a 'karangan' from you please )

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