10 August 2006

Risou no Kekkon (理想の結婚)
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Risou no Kekkon (理想の結婚)

Heaps of wedding invitations lately. Theres one on this coming Saturday (Garden mya setting), another one on the next Saturday (Malayu mya setting) and another one in September (JW Marriott mya setting). Fooosh.. everyone is getting married! LOU POH.. if you're reading this, lets get married soon too.. am sure my folks at home is 'lau-ing' hau sui (saliva) *sLurPs*

25 years living in KL, attended numerous weddings (basically 99.9% Chinese stylo wedding) - never once was I restricted to specific attires/clothes to wear, till now...

Itu Garden mya setting. Theme - Smart casual in white/off white. Wooo weee.... dunno why it reminds me of Calvin Klein and Paul Smith. I don't really have white pants and shoes.. but I think I can whip up something smart and suits the garden salad setting, shouldn't be a problem (not like everyone will be in full white/off white anyway - I am not alone~)

Itu Malayu mya setting. Theme - Tak tauu.. No specific requirement, but I guess it'd be good if I can give myself abit Malayu mya look. Matches the place also mar. Furthermore, someone invited me as 'Dato K' (not prasan - thats 'memang' what is written on the RSVP card anyway :pPpP) - so gotta look Good laa.. later ppl say itu Cinapek so outta 'fesyen' tak ikut theme. You know-larr, its all about packaging in this so-called urban lifestyle city.

Itu JW Marriott mya setting. Theme - Jacket and tie. WoooHOoo.. Wedding dinner at its top formality. Tie checked. Jacket... *bzaat* (don't have). Ah well, I've always wanted to get one myself, so this will be a good ultimate reason and time to get it now. YeS!... oh wait... Reality check - Oh Noooo.... *sob *sob... totally forgot I'm broke for the whole month. Damn! Anyway, will try to see if my suit (yes I have a suit) meets the function. Overdress, yes/no ? I dunno.

Very not used to all this 'theme theme' thingie.. but Ok-lar once a while. Its a wedding. A big day of your life, if me also I'd want it to be at its BEST possible ler. So Autumn Moth understands geh.. Moreover, more reasons to go shopping MUuuuaHahahaha~ AND looking good for more reasons MuuuaAhahahaha~


  1. garden mya hor, white top + white palazzo pants :P

    melayu mya hor, lu pakai sarong lah :P

    jw malliot hor, pigi cari satu jeket/ domanchi manyak fesyen :P

  2. me borrow here and there.. lolz.. waste money la buy clothes just for that wedding :P

  3. lou kong, you must wear all white hor? must pick me up and don't be late! if not, "lau yi jai" hiaks hiaks hiaks..

  4. lou poh.. cannot laa. dont have white shoes leh.. ok, i'll be punctual. pick u up at sei o'clock, yee.. lau yi jai..i like!
