02 October 2006

I have my bad days too..
Monday, October 02, 2006

I have my bad days too..

FUCKING PISSED! What do you mean when you have less friends, you're useless? So when you've bloody lots of friends, that makes you a king? Then why didn't I see them by your side when you're in trouble? Let's just face it, having lots of friends don't get you anywhere; sure you know alot of Datos, Tengkus, YABs, so what? You ONLY NEED a few good and close friends in your life and that's more than enough - enough to make my life worth living for. And you don't fucking understand because you don't even have a single close friend in your life. Your 'friends' are merely strangers who walked into your life and took (and still taking) advantages of you.

You want me to shut up, FINE. I will do as you said. I am useless, he is useless, everyone closest to you is useless. I am used to it anyway. Why do I even bother 'communicating' with you in the first place? Bad move. Definitely wrong choice. Haa.. I only have myself to blame now it seems. My own fault. Should've kept my mouth shut, cause' there's no freedom of speech in the house whenever you're around - I shall mark that down.

My day was filled with laughter and rich chocolate banana cake and I had a tremendous satisfying day until you SO TOTALLY spoil it now. Thank you. Don't blame me for showing you the shitty face I have with me right now. You somehow asked for it.

It does feel good letting it all out. *takes a deep breath*

0 bright lights:

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