I have my bad days too..
FUCKING PISSED! What do you mean when you have less friends, you're useless? So when you've bloody lots of friends, that makes you a king? Then why didn't I see them by your side when you're in trouble? Let's just face it, having lots of friends don't get you anywhere; sure you know alot of Datos, Tengkus, YABs, so what? You ONLY NEED a few good and close friends in your life and that's more than enough - enough to make my life worth living for. And you don't fucking understand because you don't even have a single close friend in your life. Your 'friends' are merely strangers who walked into your life and took (and still taking) advantages of you.You want me to shut up, FINE. I will do as you said. I am useless, he is useless, everyone closest to you is useless. I am used to it anyway. Why do I even bother 'communicating' with you in the first place? Bad move. Definitely wrong choice. Haa.. I only have myself to blame now it seems. My own fault. Should've kept my mouth shut, cause' there's no freedom of speech in the house whenever you're around - I shall mark that down.
My day was filled with laughter and rich chocolate banana cake and I had a tremendous satisfying day until you SO TOTALLY spoil it now. Thank you. Don't blame me for showing you the shitty face I have with me right now. You somehow asked for it.
It does feel good letting it all out. *takes a deep breath*
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