10 September 2008

Pitches after Pitches
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Pitches after Pitches

6 months at my current company (gee.. sounds like my previous post again), and I'm working on my 4th pitching project (a 360 collaboration on creatives, interactives, marketings, events - me working on the interactive part of course~). Side note: we won 2 pitches, 1 awaiting client's decision, and now... this! Not too bad a result eh.

Internal reviews after internal reviews, changes after changes, meetings after meetings.. and to make things worse, we have to work our asses off on weekends (I don't understand WHY.. Everytime there's a pitch, the actual creative execution process would have to start around Wednesday/Thursday and the bloody dry run and presentation would have to be the upcoming Monday/Tuesday)~ I hate coming back to the office on weekends!! UrgH..

But you know what's funny? Strangely enough, all my best work comes from pitches. So far, the interactive component has gotten alot of positive feedbacks/credits during pitch presentations. So, I dunno.. do I have the pitch to thank for? (at least I've got more additions to my portfolios)



  1. :D Lots of people work better during crunch times!

    but DAMN, I super hate working for pitches, hahahha.
