09 December 2008

Shakin' All Over
Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Shakin' All Over

I actually like this HUGO BOSS ad.
The classic rock n roll piece of 'Shakin' all Over' surprisingly fits well with the composition.
Very interesting :D
Of course, the people add points to it too.
*tsk, why would she push him away?!*

The pair of eyes damn charming lor!
The way he walks forward - Fwaahhh *breathtaking-nya*
BzzAaT 5000kW! BzzZaat!


  1. push away to elevate the sense of "i want u soooo bad" maaa...! or 'u know u want me..." learn from the ad laaaaa...

  2. yalor.. geh geh lorr..
    when ppl lari baru tau. padan muka that time..

  3. I don't want that perfume... I WANT THAT MAN!!! >.<
