27 August 2006

Been staying at home for the past few days. PC Monitor's out! ( I'm using my bro's laptop now :p ) That means no Internet connection ( in a way - which explains why I haven't been blogging these days ), no interaction with the world out there. So I ended up watching ASTRO Celestial Movies ( that's Channel 39 by the way ) at home and hoo boy, I didn't regret staying home at all over the weekend. I sat there on the sofa and managed to catch two great movies.

MOVIE 1 : Last LOVE, First LOVE

Simple storyline about a Japanese guy, Hayase, who was appointed to work in Shanghai where he met 2 chinese girls ( Min and Lin - uh... they're sisters ) who changes his life. He gradually fell in love with Min, but time forbids them to be with each other... *Sobs sobs*

Its a movie with actors and actresses from China, Taiwan and Japan. The language, well.. you have Mandarin, English and Japanese mixing around and it's cool to hear the Japs converse in English ( *drools... sexy voice, especially of Hayase's XD ) and in Mandarin ( uhh.. not too sure bout' this ). I don't really know who the actresses are, but they sure fit in the role nicely. I believe alot of you would find this movie super boring because.. well, its romance, and it ( the storyline ) goes on a rather s-l-o-w pace ( like my mom, she slept halfway through the movie... eesh! ) , but none the less, I still find it 2 thumbs up!

MOVIE 2 : Crying out Love, in the Center of the World

I didn't catch the first half of the movie.... uh.. okay.. maybe 2/3 of it. But I got the last part and that's more than enough. A very interesting love story (Japanese) that revolves around 3 person ( not all at the same time, but 17 years apart.... ) and a cassette that changes everything.

Not as SLOW as the first movie but uhm... still slow ( you know-lar, love story mar, must DRAMA abit here and there ). I like the way how love is portrayed, how love leaves memories, how a closure was never easy to meet up with. *sobs *sobs*

Haizz... Stay at home, watched all these sad sad love stories. Haizz.... How it made my day XD hehehe! I'm searching for the movies soundtrack. Hope I'll be able to find it! 'Luv it
Genre: Drama/Love Romance
Sunday, August 27, 2006

Genre: Drama/Love Romance

22 August 2006

Criffon always talk angrily and hastily. He cannot tolerate people who doesn't talk sense out of things, he doesn't take jokes, he doesn't listen to people's opinion. He's annoying at times. He's a 100% straight guy.

Moth talks to Criffon : 23% of the time

TheBull always talk angrily and loud and without sense. He doesn't listen to people, he doesn't take criticism, he wants everyone to obey to him. He's irritating. He's a 100% dictator.

Moth talks to TheBull : 2% of time

Swallow always talk angrily and loud and with her high pitch note. She doesn't take criticism well too. She always know what to say, when to say, but when you place her with TheBull, something will definitely go wrong. Then its a "you loud - I louder" situation. She's a 100% woman ( tee hee.. can't think of anything-mar :p )

Moth talks to Swallow : 75% of the time

When you place:

Criffon & TheBull - a recipe for chaos ( cold war alert! )
TheBull & Swallow - a recipe to go deaf ( "you loud - I louder" situation remember? )
Criffon & Swallow - a recipe for oh-my-goodness-here-we-go-again
All three(3) together - a recipe for silent ( surprise! surprise! )

Hehe.. MY FAMILY MEMBERS..hehe..*sigh~~

( Dah-lah, after a tiring day at work... go back home lagi stress.. my gawd* )
They are so DARN noisy!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

They are so DARN noisy!

Some Basket Banana son-of-a-dingo mutha Fcuker threw in a fire cracker into my house last night at 2 am causing a loud 'BANG!' & freaks the entire neighbourhood awake. KNNCCB, his mother bring him to this world to cause trouble issit? And our lovely neighbourhood 'Ronda' isn't helping much too. There goes my BEAUTIFUL SLEEP last night.

Zzz ( Yea.. am in the office, SO ? )
I need to sleep
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I need to sleep

21 August 2006

My mom said I'm the only one left among the family/relatives who hasn't visit him in the hospital. So I went to the hospital after work, only to find out.. he's in the midst of an emergency - his heart stopped beating. My Uncle (somewhat a grandfather to us) died at the age of 73, at 2044hrs. I missed my chance :(

* personally, wiao... I think its good also-lar, that he 'went' away. A release from this ... this.. bluerggh fugly filthy annoying babulac world.

Then, it was all about hectic 72 hours at Nirvana Memorial Park (damn, its SO damn fucking posh! excellent service too). Everything's over now. The ceremony, the funeral, ..... the cremation (sigh!)

6 years, 3 bad news. All revolves around 1 family. First, my cousin brother, then my cousin sister, then now my uncle. I really felt it for my Aunt *Hugs*


AH PEK ('uncle' in hokkien) arrr, ah pek.. remember to bless my AH MM ('aunt' in hokkien) and my cousins ar.. Must bo-bi ('bless' in hokkien) them 'ping ping an an' ('safe and good' in hokkien) arr..

Love, Ah Hung.
It Ends on the Fourth Day
Monday, August 21, 2006

It Ends on the Fourth Day

15 August 2006


.... 傻傻的

What can I do with an autumn leaf
Hanging there on a tree branch;
It just stays there.. stationary
It doesn't fell off, it doesn't get blown away.

Enough is enough.

I think I'm ready to put a halt to it.
I'm blessed to find what I need
- and that's more than sufficient.
- but let's just stay that way.

:) I am conscious now. I reckon' its not too late.
and yes. There's more to life than a relationship.
Like it or not, Moth is moving on...

and, I am fat..
哀(愛)! [You] are the reason
Tuesday, August 15, 2006

哀(愛)! [You] are the reason

12 August 2006

"Resolution de 2006.. am not quite sure about it. First thing on my mind is probably to get rid of my super sexy 6-in-1 unflat-abs ." - posted December 28, 2005

I am definitely no where near that now. In fact, I think I just gained another few pounds. Wait, let me just weigh myself again.....

( Took out the scale and... )

OH! Apparently I still weigh the same. Good news. However things are getting worse with the super sexy 6-in-1 unflat abs. Bad news!

I've only got 4 more months left. I gotta do something QUICK *the fear of mr. tummy looking as FAT and as HUGE as my dad's freaks me out* I need someone to motivate me (well, sorta - in a reverse psychology way that is). I need someone to laugh at me, tell me I'm fat, and that I definitely can't lose the fats away. Ya, I need a bunch of people like that ( just like my ex-colleagues - that's how I managed to lose my 10kgs in 4 months ). C'mon people, don't be shy, give me your best shot!

*Sigh* Abdominal muscles... tsk tsk. Can I change my new year resolution? Booohoooo~~~
Resolution 2006. Bah!!
Saturday, August 12, 2006

Resolution 2006. Bah!!

11 August 2006

Mom: Let's go and dine at Ikkyu tonight
Moth: What about Dad?
Mom: Go Ikkyu together-lor of course
Moth: Huh? Go there, later he'll say go Saisaki better laa this laa that laa
Mom: Won't lar, we just went there last week
Bro: True also-wor. The price would be about the same. He just might...
Mom: No-lar..won't lar.
Bro: He'll compare the price and say Ikkyu's food is not worth it etc.

Ikkyu is a Japanese restaurant around my area. For certain reason, we (me, my mom and bro) prefer to head there for simple Japanese food for a simple casual family dinner... but not my Dad. My dad likes Saisaki - THAT Japanese buffet restaurant in Wisma UOA, KL - no wait, not 'like' , is LOVE - my dad LOVES Saisaki, to the extend he'll ask for it EVERYday. Gila myaa.. *oops..

Anyway, its a long wait at Ikkyu today. While we're all trying to strike up conversations while waiting for the food, Dad got a lil' impatient:

Dad: Haiiz.. Have to wait so long. If I know like this, go Saisaki better!
Moth: (whisper to bro) See? So predictable
Mom: You guys know your dad really well!

(Eating eating halfway)

Dad: Where can eat one this kinda thing?
Moth: (Pretend not hearing)
Bro: (Ignored)
Mom: (Frustrated look)
Dad: Next time invite me also I won't come

(After dinner, got the bill yada yada)

Dad: How much-ar?
Moth: One hundred and....
Dad: WHAT? whoaa.. too expensive!
Mom: Usual-laa Japanese food. What you expect?
Dad: Go Saisaki eat all you want, and same price!
Moth: If only 4D is as predictable...
Mom: Ya-lor... Haizz.. You all really his son. Know him so well
Dad: (Continues to 'ngum')
Moth: Standard laa.. everywhere same same
Dad: Pay that much, didn't even get to eat sashimi .. (blah blah blah)
Mom: (Shakes head)
Moth: (Ignore mode 'On')
Bro: (Super Ignore mode 'On')

Gee Dad.. give us something new can or not? *shakes head*
My dad is so predictable
Friday, August 11, 2006

My dad is so predictable

10 August 2006

Hey LoOk! , Its my 100th post after like ... 8 months! That's less than 0.5 post a day! How pathetic. But still I'm proud of myself - to have blog this far. Blogging is FUN! (guarr Zzz Zzz..). *ahem* Sorry-la, other than 'having lots to look back at in the future', I still can't tell what's so 'special' about blogging... BUT ANYWAY, that's not the point of the day...


So on the way home from office just now, Qiqi was telling me that she misplaced the free GSC movie ticket that I gave it to her about a month ago - which I got it for free (on the spot) when I applied for UOB Visa VOX Card (which I'm still waiting for... dum dee dumm dumm) . And guess what? When I reached home, I received a registered mail from UOB with the NEW Credit Card!! wHooaAaa... talk about coincidence, I tell ya' its freaking me out sometimes.

Okay...., well maybe not freaked out entirely but am indeed surprised laa-haa.. I just love to connect things with uhh... things. Hehe~

So ya, I got me card (and it reminds me of my kindergarten ruler - you'll know WHY when you see one). Better credit limits (also spelt as D.E.E.P.S.H.I.T) than the other two(2) I have. And damn! I just realized I'm not qualified to make the following statement:

".... For everything else, there's MasterCard"

... for I don't have one. Its all VisaCards I'm holding. Gee, really fated with Visa geh chekk...

Anyway, I know I know.. I'm worried too.. Knowing me, I can't stop swiping the card, but I'll try to resist. Hehehe. You can't live with Credit Cards... You can't live without Credit Cards too.. (that is, once you starts to have one *heee heee heee) =pPpPpPp
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Heaps of wedding invitations lately. Theres one on this coming Saturday (Garden mya setting), another one on the next Saturday (Malayu mya setting) and another one in September (JW Marriott mya setting). Fooosh.. everyone is getting married! LOU POH.. if you're reading this, lets get married soon too.. am sure my folks at home is 'lau-ing' hau sui (saliva) *sLurPs*

25 years living in KL, attended numerous weddings (basically 99.9% Chinese stylo wedding) - never once was I restricted to specific attires/clothes to wear, till now...

Itu Garden mya setting. Theme - Smart casual in white/off white. Wooo weee.... dunno why it reminds me of Calvin Klein and Paul Smith. I don't really have white pants and shoes.. but I think I can whip up something smart and suits the garden salad setting, shouldn't be a problem (not like everyone will be in full white/off white anyway - I am not alone~)

Itu Malayu mya setting. Theme - Tak tauu.. No specific requirement, but I guess it'd be good if I can give myself abit Malayu mya look. Matches the place also mar. Furthermore, someone invited me as 'Dato K' (not prasan - thats 'memang' what is written on the RSVP card anyway :pPpP) - so gotta look Good laa.. later ppl say itu Cinapek so outta 'fesyen' tak ikut theme. You know-larr, its all about packaging in this so-called urban lifestyle city.

Itu JW Marriott mya setting. Theme - Jacket and tie. WoooHOoo.. Wedding dinner at its top formality. Tie checked. Jacket... *bzaat* (don't have). Ah well, I've always wanted to get one myself, so this will be a good ultimate reason and time to get it now. YeS!... oh wait... Reality check - Oh Noooo.... *sob *sob... totally forgot I'm broke for the whole month. Damn! Anyway, will try to see if my suit (yes I have a suit) meets the function. Overdress, yes/no ? I dunno.

Very not used to all this 'theme theme' thingie.. but Ok-lar once a while. Its a wedding. A big day of your life, if me also I'd want it to be at its BEST possible ler. So Autumn Moth understands geh.. Moreover, more reasons to go shopping MUuuuaHahahaha~ AND looking good for more reasons MuuuaAhahahaha~
Risou no Kekkon (理想の結婚)
Thursday, August 10, 2006

Risou no Kekkon (理想の結婚)

07 August 2006

I heard this (forwarded message) from a friend of mine couple of minutes ago. Speechless for a good 10 seconds. For those of you who're thinking to sustain a beautiful guaranteed longterm relationship with your new found (potential) boy/girlfriend, perhaps consider the following guideline (but I doubt it'll work anyway) :

First 2 weeks - Approach (to the point he/she felt annoyed)
Next 2 weeks - Ignore ( to the point he/she felt something's missing )
Next subsequent 2 weeks - Slowly get back to him/her ( and voila! )
( A so-called method to ensure a steady relationship )

WHO on earth came up with that dumb theory? Theory?.. no wait, I don't think I'd even allow myself to call it a 'theory'. WHO on earth came up with that dumb statement? You've got things to ensure better waistline, healthier diet, skin repairment, hair growth etc. and NOW a method to ensure a steady relationship? Goodness... some people and their formulae of human interaction (Dunno wanna say their mind too powderful or what - really too smart until dunno where to 'waste' their Albert Einstein intelligent juices issit?).


If you really wanna try out the steps-le wor.. please remember to tell me of the outcome-wor. Very eager to know if you'd end up single again or live happily ever after..( that's so not gonna happen - even if it is, I'll just take it as pure coincidence... then again, nothing's impossible in life. MAYBE... just maybe it'll work at the ratio of 1:1000 aka 0.001% )

By the way, NO - I won't try this :pPpPpPpPp
I doubt, but nothings impossible
Monday, August 07, 2006

I doubt, but nothings impossible

05 August 2006

A simple test couple of hours ago proved something - I am turning blind (perhaps already am blind).

I was torn between WH and my friends. Friends for mamak session (been a long time since I last met them); WH, who has been emotionally unstable over the couple of days.

Because I've been extremely worried about WH lately, I chose to meet up with WH and see if he's alright and neglected my friends whom I'm supposed to be catching up with at the mamak.

1. WH is heading back to Penang. Urgently - reason withheld. Things remained the same - maybe an inch better.. just an inch - at least he trust me with things he needed help with.

2. I felt bad for leaving the gang halfway at the mamak especially Bliss (I am really sorry. *Me kneel down the floor, kau tau to Bliss*)

Seriously, I felt bad. In fact, as I'm typing this now, I told Yunko the same thing. I acknowledged I've been acting rather foolish these days. The things I did for something I'm 'uncertain' of... My heads went from stoned to absolute 100% cuckoo-powered. I dunno wat's gotten into me.

What say you? Am I blinded by a silly game called (L) ? Will you accept my apology if I am to do the same thing to you - leaving you halfway of something? Share with me your thoughts. =(
Yunko asked if I'm in (L)
Saturday, August 05, 2006

Yunko asked if I'm in (L)

03 August 2006

Isn't that? Isn't that? Isn't that?

Isn't that? Isn't that?

Is..Is Is Isn't that? that?

that? Isn't ? Isn't Isn't that? Isn't that?

Isn't that?

[ SOME internal joke ]
Isn't that? Isn't that?
Thursday, August 03, 2006

Isn't that? Isn't that?

02 August 2006

Its all about money. Its such a scary world! Its worse when you have credit cards. I have credit cards! In fact, I'm applying for ANOTHER credit card. Oh my gawd. Its such a scary scary world. I can't stop shopping! They can't stop the megasales (then again, I don't really fancy megasales)! And I LOVE cards. Sometimes they offer me 0% Instalment plan!! Sometimes invitation to Sales!~ ArGh~ how could I not swipe my beloved credit card across that lil' thing-a-majigga sitting there at the counter...

I want this! *swiped*
I want that! *swiped*
That looks good! *swiped*
Aahh, another one wouldn't hurt *swiped again*
Luv the food here *swiped*
I'll get the bill *swiped*

Was checking my online statement awhile ago *Eyes widen by 8x* ... since WHEN I used up that LOT? Omifukingosh.. I expected alot laa. but not this LOT!?

*check check-sinnn*

Whoaa.. really got wor. Ta-ma-de! Forgot I bought a new watch timm (from Esprit - I'm an EPC member now ^^) and my beloved Papaya Yoghurt Mask (from SkinFood - good food for my skin ^o^). Oh well, its all for a good cause'. I forgive myself this time for overspending.

Autumn moth promised (his mom) to save up to 500MYR each month starting from October. Hopefully (praying real hard), it'll work! Bless me... Wakakakaka. So many things to buy, So little time, So poor now.. so saddd... I'm just trying to boost up our country's economy. I'm really not a big spender. Seriously... *not*
C for Credit!
Wednesday, August 02, 2006

C for Credit!

01 August 2006

I thought I lost ( ) ... I didn't ... did I ? I hope not. I really hope not.

The few earlier SMSes got me really upset. I didn't know you were stucked in such a situation. You didn't tell. I didn't know. If only... ( then again, you rejected ). You said you doesn't want to owe me anything. Somehow the word hurts. I was worried about you - I said I care and I mean it.

You said its time for you to learn. You chose not to accept my help. Am glad to hear that. Am glad you understand how I tried to help, where I'd like to stand. Not the best, but I'm not complaining. But if only... hmm... I just hope you're fine. That's what matters to me.
Respecting your decision
Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Respecting your decision