30 September 2006

Dad's birthday party last night went well. Perfect weather, the food wasn't too bad, almost everyone turned up, relatives and friends were chatting up (gossips), people enjoying themselves. Great!

So, what's with my hair? I'm surprised no one asked about my girlfriend (yea rite..), my job, my life. Instead, the focus was on my HAIR - the color, the style, the texture. I've got compliments from several Aunties saying they like my hair color and that's the one they've been looking for. I've got a cousin who (accordingly to my 20+ year old 'niece') 'admires' (wtf?) at my hairstyle. I've got several bunch of idiots who teases on my 'BLONDE' (wtf again?) hair. I've got an old woman who commented how fugly I styled my hair as compared to this guy that guy (how do I response to such fucking comment? - Ignore, roll my eye balls and leave the place while thinking deep down inside how I'd want to stuff a dildo into her mouth). No, I'm not exaggerating least bit.

But thank god something made my day too cuz' there's also a clan of people commenting how 'slim' I am now, that I lost alot of weight and I look much better now (thank YOU!). But that's not really my point here you see. The actual reason which really made my day is having a cute guy (those worth taking a glance for 2nd, 3rd, 4th..100th...1000th times) remembering me and commenting how much better I look now (and its only the 2nd time I met him XD this year) - okay, so he's my bro's friend and he might be straight and all, but heck* that doesn't really matter doesn't it? It does feel good receiving compliments XD

Anyway, ya.. so perhaps its about time I go back to my stylist and have him dye me another set of colors (I don't want Aunties to have same colors as my hair you see) and probably have a new hairstyle or something (which I doubt it could happen, since my sibeh curly hair is rather difficult to 'di-style-kan'). Aiks! Already 5:56 pm now.. gotta run and get prepared for a wedding dinner later. (Aii........ there goes my Saturday night, =.=")
What's with my HAIR?
Saturday, September 30, 2006

What's with my HAIR?

28 September 2006

Been really busy with work lately. Tied up with numerous projects, each one more urgent than the other. I'm probably too stressed up to even notice I'm stress now. But I do feel it, especially after work. I'd be sitting in front of my PC worring about my workloads, thinking hard how to cope up with deadlines and sticking to promises.

While I tried to plan things out, unexpected thing happens everyday. You have client A calling you up out of a sudden when you least expect them to, you have client B throwing you dozens of emails with endless questions, you have client C who thinks they're the only client in the entire world and they need their stuffs done ASAP, so quick that only superman can handle it, you have colleagues who are too busy with their work, they have no time to help you look into the problems and etc. Bottom line is, its really pointless planning out the day...

Perhaps I shouldn't use the word 'stress'. That's too heavy. Moreover, its not like I'm really working under REAL extreme pressure ie. advertising line. Despite all the urgent deadlines to meet up with, I stop work at 6pm and still reach home by 7pm. That's considerably 'good'. Perhaps I'm just not used to the fact that I have to deal with clients directly these days (as my Account Manager was on an extremey long sick leave - poor girl), and at the same time executing the projects myself. Its rather hectic. Its crazy!~ I'm going nuts. *its awful when you know you're not good with servicing*

I've been *sigh-ing* alot these days. Close colleagues of mine will know I'm really not in the mood lately. I hate going to work *sobs* I just wanna stay home and laze on me bed. I'm really really tired (not to mention I'm still coughing like hell). SIGH!!~

Its casual Friday tomorrow. I hope there won't be as much dramas from clients AGAIN. Today's a real disaster. I swear, most of the clients I deal with are either : 1) diagnosed with STM, 2) dumb, or 3) they don't fucken' understand English. MCH. SIGH!!~

p/s : Iced Tazo Lemon Zen Tea from Starbucks is back. And it's back for good, its permanent on the menu! Excellent!! Its about time ! I'm so easily satisfied. *shucks*
Very.. very.. tired!
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Very.. very.. tired!

24 September 2006





也許﹐ 也許


還真的是名副其實的 "愛靚唔愛命" ﹗

生命嘛。。。 最重要就是活得精彩﹐活得開心對吧?

那我現在開心嗎? 一點也不開心。 那怎麼辦呢?
"見步行步 - 囉﹗"

真不討人喜歡的Monday Blue。
Sakura Iro Maukoro
Sunday, September 24, 2006

Sakura Iro Maukoro

23 September 2006

Dad got discharged from the hospital yesterday. Thats five days in total. To cut the story short - 'Mr. Stubborn' (as some of the nurses call him) suffers from a weak heart and he needs a good rest now. Now my question is, what happened to all the relatives who seems to be so nice and caring while he was hospitalised during the past five days? Where are they right now? Discharge already no need to visit, no need to check if he's okay wan-lar izzit? Aiyerr... I tell you...tsk tsk...

On a side track, his wife, the star-dreamer has humbly accept defeat after news has it that her friend, WJ, got the role for the ad. Mrs. Star-dreamer emphasize that its due to her lack of experience 'on-air' as compared to WJ, who seems to have actual experience in the field.

The weekdays are over now. Thank god. Workloads are crazy, clients are pushy, I still cough like monkey, everyday after work still have to take care of my daddy. Was SO bloody stress, I woke up with headache and in weak condition almost everyday. I felt so lazy and tired, I don't care much how I look already. Lazy to wash my face, lazy style my hair, lazy put on contact lense, lazy this lazy that, lazy to eat also... Boy, never been so sick!

Now that everything is back to normal (and its weekend too), my day seems to shine so much brighter~ Ahhhh.... serenity rocks! But just when I thought I can finally sit down and go grab some nice dim sum, someone FFK me and cancel the plan. Bah! (which explains why I got up THIS early on a Saturday)

On a side side track - One in a Million. How can it be Suki? Oh my gawd... Poor Faizal, got all the cheers, but not the votes. I have nothing against Suki, just that its funny when you know the crowds lurve Faizal but it ended up she's the one who won the million ringgit and the judges have nothing to do with the decision - which explains why I don't fancy the idea of SMS votes when it comes to competition - and that reminds me of Miss World beauty pageant - Vote for YOUR Miss World worr.. what nonsense, so if the delegate is ugly and dumb, she also can be crowned Miss World laa izzit provided she's got the highest votes? *ngum ngum ngum ngum*

and World Peace...
A week of headache, OVER!
Saturday, September 23, 2006

A week of headache, OVER!

18 September 2006

Just when I was about to leave the medical centre after my follow up appointment, my dad got admitted into the same medical centre. Gee... what an unhealthy family it seems~

Dad was feeling giddy and nausea. Loss of sodium it seems. Doc prescribed a concentrated sodium drip to make him feel better. It works, but Dad still look abit pale and tired. Ko-lian..

Cause - Insulin injected with empty stomach... Ta--Daa!
Effect - Low blood pressure... Bing--BONG!

Two hours after admitted to the ward, I'm surprised to see family and friends slowly turning up at the hospital! How much more faster can the news spread? - and to think we're trying to keep it down and keeping it discreet. Geee...

Relatives were telling us how big my Dad's tummy is. It looks like the small letter 'b' . Well... can't do much bout' it. For one who doesn't exercise much, eat alot per meal, alot of meals per day... well, that's about what you'd encounter. No further comments.

Stupid weather these days. Causing everyone SICK!

Latest Discovery:
I was (and still am) infected with a new virus - Lazyius To-Workirium

Cause - Too much MC
Effect - Don't feel like working

My da(dd)y at the hospital
Monday, September 18, 2006

My da(dd)y at the hospital

17 September 2006

Whoa, my Mom and her friends went for an audition for an ad today. Sibeh happening. Agents got their photos taken down for future talent references and even took a short clip of their acting skill. Mom said its fairly easy and easy money too (that is, if she gets the role). Mom sounds pretty confident and she even criticized how other 'aunties' failed to meet up with the director's criteria. LOLz.. memang AUNTY! Oh well, we'll know the result on Tuesday. I'll keep you guys updated if my Mom gets the role ... OR NOT ( I tell you, I'm oh-so gonna laugh my heads off if she's not shortlisted/selected Wakakakaka :p )

Hohohoho.. My Mom... hohohoho... dreaming to be a star.. hohohoho.... acting in CANTONESE.. hohohohoho... she can't even pronounce the cantonese 'yan' (human) correctly.. hohohoho..

P/S : I'm getting better. Piles are no longer the main factor I'm still sick today. Its the repeating fever and cough! Darn!

....... Mom, becoming a Talent... hohohohohoho~
My Mom, a Talent wor..
Sunday, September 17, 2006

My Mom, a Talent wor..

Just happened to have read cynikeel's blog about his office and the whole dumb drama of his pathetic straight colleague ( fair and cute, but who cares? his mouth stinks! ) and how he started teasing these and that of homosexuality. Its often an unavoidable scenario especially when one's gestures or character are often/rather effeminate. Over-ego 'Straight men' just have these tendencies to badmouth their less 'man-ly' gay counterparts. I dunno if this proofs they've got bigger balls or what, but it sure proofs they have pea-sized brain. If you ( those over-egoistic heterosexual male ) can't accept homosexuals, fine, I respect that and I know it can't be forced, just keep your mouth and ass shut and move on with life. Its not very likely gays would suddenly just hump on you and shove their didi up your ass, if that's what you're worried about. Bahh!

Coming out to your colleagues at work. I dunno if its a good thing, but it sure ease down the pressure of getting caught red handed in the future (HOR! Moth dating a guy!! HOR! - like DUH?!). As per alot of things, there's always 2 sides to a coin. I won't get into details, I'm sure all of you can imagine and find out the pros and cons of it. I, for one, will always choose to come out to my colleagues. I'm not gonna give a damn, BUT, only to those who asked the magical question. If not, then sorry-la, I'm not gonna boast it out like JUMBO sales to everyone. Having said that, some dumb colleague still do occasionally make stupid remarks like , waahh... those gestures arr, so gay.. wahh.. why you wanna know people's husband ar? waahh... lenglui you don't wanna know ar? mm tong wanna know lengcai mehh? ... wahhh this waaah that.... Feel like slapping him sometimes LOLz - brighten up a bit laa pal. Brighten up!

Just the other day, one of the facial salon girl asked me if I have any girlfriend. I said nope. She said its impossible for a 25 y.o. not to have a girlfriend YET and haven't paktoh YET. I asked her to re-think her question and she'd get an answer herself.

..'OOooHHhh', she replied. She got it, she's fast..NOW that's bright!
Who Teases
Sunday, September 17, 2006

Who Teases

13 September 2006

This is a public service announcement greater than all Dengue, HIV, AIDS and/or equivalent PSA put together. Moth SHOUTS :


Guess what?

Suffering from Hemorrhoids (piles) are no fun. You can't sit, you're not advisable to stand/walk (anyway, you can bearly move one single small tiny step), ALL you can do is LIE down. There goes your LIFE! Man.... and to make things worse, FEVER came haunting for you at the time you least expect it to.... and so does COUGH! Why bully me with all these negative chi hur? HURrr? HUH? WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE ALL THESE-har? Because I walk in a very confident way (catwalk also no fight) during my normal days and you *looks up into the sky* are jealous is it? Thats why you purposely summoned your angels and bruised my butt butt and stop me from walking glamourously eh? YOU little evil you.... X(

And no, its NOT because I had a 'hardcore session' last week and played too rough (by the way, I personally think piles are 100x more painful than a hardcore session, knn!!) - its all because of constipation. DAMN! But, thank god its not severe.. but still, doctor ask me to rest and take MC for five days till next Tuesday. BUT damnest of the damned! - there are still projects to rush and chances are I'll have to drop by office for couple of hours to finish it up. Sounds PROFESSIONAL? You Bet (I don't have much choice *grin*) ! BAHS-KET BANANA! OOoo my butt ! my butt!!

Now, that's why lor, I haven't got time to blog for the past few days. All mood also hilang d. *sobs*

I like Tetsuji Tamayama (玉山鉄二) in Koi ni Utaeba (用歌声诉说爱情) XD
Public Service Announcement
Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Public Service Announcement

10 September 2006

今天已是星期日了。明天又是一個忙碌的星期一。時間過得還真快。 唉。。。每一天都差部多似的﹐ 坐在房間裡上網﹐ 聽聽音樂﹐ 和朋友聊聊天。。感覺很納悶卻又說不出那裡不對勁。如果有個人在身旁陪伴著我該有多好呀。 其實他也不用多做些什麼﹐ 我也沒有太多的要求﹐ 只要靜靜的﹐默默的坐在我的身邊就已經是一件超幸福的事情了。當然如果可以看到他那燦爛的笑容﹐那就更棒了 - 不算太高的要求吧。。。但為何那麼簡單的事情往往就是最難找尋的呢?

都已經二十五歲了﹐還找不到理想的‘他’﹐ 也不知道自己想要的到底是些什麼。。真叫人擔心。。唉﹐我越來越搞不懂自己了。已經兩年沒戀愛了﹐我是否還記得什麼是愛﹐ 什麼是疼﹐什麼叫喜歡﹐ 什麼叫幸福﹐ 如何去愛﹐如何被愛﹐該如何去接納一個人的一切一切﹐ 該如何去掌握戀愛中每一個小細節﹐ 分享的定義是什麼? 在一起的定義又是什麼呢? 一旦戀愛了又擔心些有的沒的 - 會不會合不來呢? 他真的適合我嗎? 該分手嗎?

也許是我想太多了吧。 也許我對自己真的沒什麼信心。 感覺我的一生好像跟‘愛情’扯不到任何關係似的。 真想大聲的喊一句‘他媽的﹗’我真的那麼難相處嗎?為什麼每次都只是把我當朋友或死黨來看待? 就不可以再進一步了解對方嗎? (。。。奇怪﹐怎麼越講越覺得好像是我越來越‘cheap’ 呢? 真不要臉 ﹐哈哈)

我想可能是W的影響吧。。最近很少跟他聯絡了。是我在逃避嗎? 我也不只道 (反正該做的該說的都已向他表白了 - W沒回應﹐也沒多說些什麼﹐偶而還會一起去吃飯﹐逛逛街類似的) 。 但有件事是可以確定的 - 那就是我對他的感覺慢慢的變淡了。其實只做朋友也無妨啦。算是對自己的一種安慰吧。:)

Sunday, September 10, 2006


09 September 2006

Weee~ :) Finally bought myself a Mirror, a nice 40x140cm mirror - with LCD clock (alternates between date and time). Yupz, u you guessed it, its HOVET from IKEA. Those were the days when I have to rely on my parent's and my bro's mirror (in their respective room) each time before I leave the house just so to make sure I look absolutely gorgeous OKAY, and ready to roll!

Mirrors are important to me! It reflects my your style and mannerism and when I you look good, it boost up my your ego and confidence. Voila! What a perfect day! I'M GONNA BE THE CENTER OF ATTENTION!

"Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the charming one of all?"

"Who? Dennis Joseph O'Neil ? XD ... OH YES, couldn't agree more *meltS*"


By the way (un-melt), I bumped into a collegemate of mine in IKANO. He was just right in front of me and I couldn't recognise him until he calls out my name. AND DAMN, I couldn't remember his. I just go, "Hey!.. How are ya?" I reckon' I'm such a jerk. JERK MOTH! Thank god it took place while we're on the escalator.. so the entire session of catching up only lasted for less than 10 seconds (sorri-la, you see, I don't really know him THAT well, and you know laa, malay name somemore.. very hard to remember who's who.. ya... thats my excuse :p)

Its really embarassing to not recall the other person's name while he/she does. Speaking of which, my memory is getting worse these days. I'm abit worried leh.. I really do - its not just about recalling names, it involves my daily activities and the things I did in the early years - all, could just went blank (and I'm serious.. I'm not talking about the usual jokes about short term memory loss etc. with your friends kinda thing).

I'm certain that the medication last time does leave an impact or rather, a side effect. What should I do? Doctors are saying no such thing. Patients are saying yes, it does! Apaaa ni.. aiyoyo... Amaaa~
Hovet with LCD Clock
Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hovet with LCD Clock

08 September 2006

Formula 17

Just came across the movie trailer on YouTube. Its about a 17 year old 'boy' (left) and a 30 year old 'playboy' (right). He falls for him, they fell in love, then something happen .. (as usual, biasa-lar, you know). Hmm, not too bad-guar, but it sure is weird to see Duncan (right) kisses a guy (left)

Am wondering if they're selling it here in M'sia (or maybe already kena banned kao kao and every single supply that comes in would be thrown away to the South China Sea). Then again, Penerbitan Filem Negara approved Brokeback Mountain-wor, so I think this one also got-guarr, although this was released long before Brokeback Mountain ler.

Anyone heard of it?

Taiwan is getting really open (daring) these days. Got gay MTV lar, got gay Movie lar... in fact (side topic), the Rainbow Flag will be raised in an official ceremony for the very first time in Taiwan on this coming September 17, indicating that the island is growing more tolerant of gays, marking the start of 'Queer Friendly Taipei' - source from Axcest.com - 'Rainbow Flag To Rise For First Time Over Taiwan' (News/Features)

Well, it doesn't really matter much to me anyway, not like its gonna affect anything HERE! BAH! But it just feels good somehow, knowing LGBT are slowly being accepted for who they are and that discrimination over one's sexual orientation are gradually dimming. =) TO HELL, those who think we're sickos! TO HELL, those who think we need help (psychological-wise)! TO HELL, those who stopped 'Will & Grace' *sobs *sobs.... I HATE YOU!!~ *sniff*

Ya, I'd like to watch Formula 17.
Formula 17
Friday, September 08, 2006

Formula 17

07 September 2006

Remember the AIDS awareness animation posted up on my blog some months ago? Apparently, there's a 'straight' version for the girls LOL. There's TWO parts of the animation which makes me LAUGHED LIKE MAD. Guess which two scenes? LOL

Like the previous one, this piece is just as amazing. I like how the sequence of animation gels altogether within such a short timeline, and how the message are carried out (but I still like the queer version better, hehe). This is a friendly community service reminder: Girls, *ahem*.. be as 'notti' as you want, be like Paris Hilton if you wish to, but always.... ALWAYS, insist to play SAFE ya? (I know that's abit hard sometimes, barebacking could be so much fun and exciting, *hiaks~); don't say I didn't warn you, haiz... later got BB then jialat lor, unless the baby is as cute and adorable as Suri Cruise, then that's another different story - at least if you don't want also can AUCTION it out (and make a luxurious profit). Wakakaka.. just kidding, NOT FUNNY..ya I know -_-"

Enjoy the animation :p

Read the message at the end ( Part II )
Thursday, September 07, 2006

Read the message at the end ( Part II )

The not-so-reliable-as-references WikiPedia wrote - "The term "cam whore" is use to refer to individuals who post pictures or videos of themselves on the Internet to gain attention."

I am definitely not a camwhore... No, I am NOT... although lately, I did post damn many a few pictures of myself over MSN and Friendster-lar. Hehehe :p But at least my intention is not to 'gain attention' its obviously to 'gain attraction'.

I mean, everyone does that. Its normal to do so. Why do you think MSN etc. gives you a picture holder for you to place your photo? Decoration ar!? Put something-lar, and what's better than putting your own photo there? At least then, I won't have to struggle finding out which lengcai/lenglui you are... (u know lar, beautiful people walk in and out of my life, I cannot guarantee I can remember ALL ge-marr..) Furthermore, certain people kept changing their nicknames/identity (like HURLO.. so how am I suppose to keep track?) - therefore, a picture of our ownselves would be the best alternative to identify who we are (I'm sure you don't want people to remember you as a rubber duckie, or a chess set RITE?)

And also, what's this about : when you have more than 1 person in the picture its NOT camwhore, but when its you alone in the picture its 'cam whoring' lar? And when there's 2 posers or more in a picture its NOT hiao, but when its you alone posing its HIAO to the max lar? WHO sets the rule, huh huh huh? I tell you, tsk tsk.. people nowadays....

I put what I like, and I like what I put. Arigatoo...
(Damn, its ONLY 2.20 pm now... *YAwn*)


............... (dum dee dum) ...........


O-K, I admit I'm a 10% camwhore, just leave me alone. FYI, nope.. nobody calls me that (except maybe for the girl who carpool with me almost every weekday XD kekeke, but aside from that, nope) - people just call me ' (sei) hiao-gung ' but nope, not 'cam whore'... not at all.

Should I feel glad? Hmm...
thunder, thunderCAM.. WHORE!
Thursday, September 07, 2006

thunder, thunderCAM.. WHORE!

06 September 2006

This, is a snail.. we all know snail moves very slowly.. *yawn*

This, is tmnut.. the local internet service provider... we all know its usually ALREADY deadly slow (and its f**king irritating cuz' you're supposed to be on a broadband).
AND NOW.. its even slower..... slower than a snail.

Like one of my colleague wrote on her MSN Personal Message status :

Which is slower ?
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Which is slower ?

03 September 2006

Detective Mom found traces of evidence to the 'Underworld offering' case. She found the suspect. She confronted the suspect, and ... she's RIGHT! The CCB is them, a neighbour who lives 4 houses away.

Neighbour's reason : Their Dad is sick, and according to some 'sifu', they have to pray and place those 'offerings' somewhere around someplace (sorry-lar, I'm not in the scene, dunno so detail) for 3 nites berturut-turut. Legend has it that by doing so, their dad would miracly (paiseh, I dunno how to spell) heal... or so it seems.

As usual, Mom tries to reason things out with them - THE LOUD PISSED OFF way, so loud I think people from a few blocks away could hear my mom practically scolding them word by word. LOLz.. okay maybe not that 'kuar-jiong' but you get the drift. And my Mom got scolded back by one of them family member (some auntie) Why? - She said why my Mom cannot talk things out peacefully-wan ar.. why must scold people so loud-harr.. Then of course, my Mom lagi the bengang, so she *@&$#(#@& and won the case somehow...SOME POWDERFUL MOM I HAVE... dunno wanna be proud or what sometimes hahaha. :p ( she was alone when facing the enemies - herein, the neigbour's and family; so you can imagine how 'garang' my Mom is - Damn, I'm doing so much publicity for me Mom here in my blog... must bill her next time ady )


Which CCB? ( Part II - Finale )
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Which CCB? ( Part II - Finale )

Some stupid people has been praying and making(leaving) offerings (ala Hungy Ghost festival Chinese syle - joss sticks, candles, rice and dishes etc.) outside my house for the 2nd consecutive night today and we concluded it occur between 7pm - 8pm when my family was out for dinner.

We don't know who did this and why, but it sure is rude to leave such 'thing' outside of people's house without even informing the owner about it and checking if its alright to do so. AND mutha fucker, its for the 2nd time somemore! Its not about being 'pantang' or not, its just plain rude or 'kurang ajar' as my Dad put it when he told one of the neighbourhood security guard who drove passed our house, about the incident.

My parents were pissed. When we got back home from dinner and saw the offerings lying outside our house (again!), my parents were so darn angry, they were cursing and cursing in the middle of the road and asking our neighbours if they know anything about it and if they saw those CCB. Our maid at home doesn't help much either, biasa-larr... as usual their common response to any questions/enquiries : TAK TAU..

Haizz.. Am wondering if its gonna happen again tomorrow. Orang tak bermoral! HANTU! ( gee, that concludes to - HANTU making offerings to real Hantu-s ...hmm... LOLz... )

Touch wood... *ptui *ptui, just kidding.. Solli Solli.... sai lou ko mm sik sai gai (forgot its still the 7th month in Lunar calendar timm).

But anyway, I sure hope whoever it is won't turn up again tomorrow.. if not, I really pray for him/her lorrr.... if he/she is caught red-handed on the spot by me parents, that is. I swear it'd be a scene better than blockbuster movies.
Which CCB?
Sunday, September 03, 2006

Which CCB?

02 September 2006

I said I'm gonna have my hair dyed, and ta-daaa.. I did it today.

My stylist suggested to go with something 'trendy'. I'm fine with whatever trendy look of course, but I also reminded him about my 'work place' issue, so as to make sure he doesn't go way too far beyond. So in the end, we decided to go along with a normal haircut, but with an interesting colour combo (haha, sounds like some fast food meal.. combo-worr, hehe). Mr. Stylist showed me the colour chart.

"I'll suggest to go with this for highlight and this as the base. Very nice, it'll turn out fabulous", he said

"Whoaaa.. so GREEN ar?", I replied

"That's just for highlight. It won't turn out as deep green as this of course. Trust me, it'll look good. Its an interesting combination"

"Hmm.. (abit hesitated, but oh wat f*ck - I DID TOLD HIM I'll leave it to him, and so... ) *deep breath* Okay-lar.. let's go with this"

And so, after about 1.5 - 2 hours there, voila~my light brownish base with green highlight hair!! It sounds awful.. yaa.. i repeat it 'SOUNDS'... awful, and it does look AWFUL too if you try to imagine it the WRONG way.


I like it alot! Yay!! In fact, I felt so much better than having a plain dull ordinary hairdye colour. And guess what? They were having a promotion for hairdye, highlight and hair treatment - 50% off. All those together with a simple haircut, I paid only rm85 for the whole session.

Double YAY!!

The BAD news...

Mom doesn't like it. When I went home, she was on the phone with my aunt (in Taiwan) and she yelled at me (holding the phone) and @*&#$*^#&@$%& me non-stop; not because I dyed my hair, but because of the green highlight. She said she wanted to kick me out of the house.

Moth thinks deep inside : Ya Ya Ya.. go ahead.. fast fast kick me out.. Yippie~ Then I can move out and live independently. YESH!

Gee.. I think my mom really hates it this time. She kept asking me why can't I just leave my natural hair colour alone and why must I turned it into some 'paikia' look and "I used to be so innocent so smart but now a paikia on the run" kinda nonsense. Hoo boy...

To Mom,

I love my hair colours. BLEH! and your sister (my aunt from Taiwan - she smsed me later in the evening) thought so too, that I should live my life fashionable and to the fullest, cause' I'm only young once and I agree with her. BLEH! BLEH BLEH BLEH!
Green Green Strands
Saturday, September 02, 2006

Green Green Strands

01 September 2006

Experiment #1. Passed!
Finally tested the Remote Control feature on my w810i. WHOA, as jakun-ly as it sounds, I must admit I'm FARking impressed with such feature- to have the phone act as a remote controller via Bluetooth, ooo impressive-nya, can have the phone act as mouse also ... wahh... WHAT ELSE CAN'T my baby do ? Oh yaa.. the 3G video conference thingy hoo-la-la feature. Damn! ... but I don't need it anyway. I love my baby boy.

Experiment #2. Failed!
Some girlfriends had been wishing I'd turn Bi, for the sake of satisfying their desperate need for some very wrong-twisted sexercise. AND when they found out you are REALLY Bi, they got upset simply because they'd rather lose out to a girl than to a guy when it comes to fighting over a... uhmmm... Guy! Gee.. What's with people around me? Why is everyone hinting for sX these days? Yes, I'd want and need some myself... but WHY.. WHY those wrong people? Haiz...

Experiment #3. Passed!
I was broke for the past 1 month. And I managed to withold myself from spending! - Wat a joyous news to celebrate! XD Monday will come, and I'll get all the 'debts' off my ass. Wooo-wee, I'm rich again MIND you. I'm so gonna pamper myself again. Let's start with a new hairdo ( die DIE must DYE and highlite this time ) YAY!! - who cares about those blokes who'd gimme that WEIRD look when they see me with haircolors different from theirs? WHO CARES!? Thy shall not....

Experiment #4. Passed!
It works! It really works! All the shits you guys threw at me about me being FAT has successfully motivated me to EXERCISE. I've been doing alot of *ooosh phooo..* *gasp! uhHHshh.. HmmPH! Awwwff.. *heeesh, hooooshh...* pushups, situps, free weights, brisk walk and I felt so much healthier now.. My weight remains, lum lum also remains. BAH! but hey, at least I'm exercising and its just a matter of time before 'OH-look at the LUMs-no-more!' =)

Experiment #5. Failed!
I thought I'd give my PC monitor another chance before I threw it out of my room. Stupid CRT monitor! Don't work means don't work -- I must always remember this.

Experiment #6. Failed!
Heee heee hee *shy* I..... tee hee... I..I..... I LOOK LIKE A COMPLETE dumb nerd! knnccb~ . My friend gave me a Beanie as my belated birthday present and its a disaster. If the mirror is alive, it would've laughed and shattered into pieces itself. DAMN.. looks like the Beanie is gonna sit in my wardrobe for quite some time (for the slow and blur ones : I don't look good wearing em'). Case close..

Experiment #7. Passed!
Flash .swf file can be tricky, so as the parameters option in HTML. Little do I know the parameters would affect how the flash runs and how the actionscript reacts to a certain scene. Was juggling with some issue today, but managed to figure it out later. I'm just so smart sometimes, I can't help but praise my myself. *Pat Pat on the shoulder* nice work Moth.. nice work! (and FAST too)

Experiment #8. Passed!
Couple of days ago, my PC (office mya) was infected with virus - Files and folders in the SHARED FOLDER are duplicated in .exe extension. WHOA, scared me saje. Lucky our team of Tech support colleagues managed to help out. Virus Brontok.N removed! If not, imagine... all the raw files gone! all the PSD, AI, FLA .. oh shitss... Its freaking me out now. I think I better backup my files on Monday! XD

Experiment #9. Failed KAO KAO!
My memory is getting extremely worse these days. *Sigh... I'm beginning to worry. Wondering if I'd remember what I did 2 minutes ago when I reach 30s. GASP! I'm turning into a goldfish..

Experiment #10. Passed KAO KAO!
Ehmm... *secret*
theDaily Experiment
Friday, September 01, 2006

theDaily Experiment